The Fresh Food Diet

Ascended Master Saint Germain, channeled by Aruna talks about which food one can eat to be healthy. It is not a short-term “diet” but a continuous change to better food. He recommends all the food that Hildegard von Bingen recommended also already in the 12th century.… Read the rest

The Fresh Food Diet

Ascended Master Saint Germain, channeled by Aruna talks about which food one can eat to be healthy. It is not a short-term “diet” but a continuous change to better food. He recommends all the food that Hildegard von Bingen recommended also already in the 12th century.… Read the rest

W wie Wohlfühlen

Wohlfühlen, Wohlbefinden oder Wellness, wie man auf neudeutsch sagt, ist die Grundlage für stressfreie Erschaffung. Abraham (Hicks) sagt sehr oft, dass nichts wichtiger ist, als sich wohlzufühlen. (more…)

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