
Scientists have recognized for some time that people suffering from depression often experience a substantial reduction in symptoms when given a placebo. In fact, this observation has led some researchersto propose that up to 75 percent of the apparent efficacy of antidepressant medicine may actually be attributable to the placebo effect.

Rauwolfia serpentinaSo it seems that the Placebo Effect is rehabilitated.  And that is what Ramtha says about Placebos:

“If we have emotions, we have then only memory. In imagination, we are free from emotion. That is why daydreamers resort to imagination to lift them up from depression. If society’s scientists and medical doctors, neuroscientists, and neurophysicists destroy imagination, they have destroyed the natural Prozac of human luster.”

And even more:

“In the old days, really old days, leaders of continents, nations, and principalities taught people how to think. To help them along, they used to put an herb called rauwolfia in the community water well. In other words, quietly they endeavored to put the herb equivalent of Prozac in the village water well. The reason they did that was because leaders of peoples a long, long time ago had a very different responsibility than the famed and fortunate ones of today. They had the exquisite duty of reinstating confidence, protection, and equalness within the people, and rauwolfia was a wonderful drug in water that relieved people’s insecurity.”

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