Animal Reflections

Animal Reflection

Bashar answers a question about the Human cruelty in animal treatment.  The main reason for that is as per Bashar that humans hate themselves so deeply that they hate everything that is pure consciousness like animals are…

Question: How come we humans are so cruel to animals all over the world?… Read the rest

Positive Bedeutung

Wenn die Ereignisse aufgrund der eigenen Glaubenssätze selber generiert werden – und davon gehe ich aus – und man aufgrund immer noch vorhandender negativer Überzeugungen unangenehme Erfahrungen macht, so ist eines der hilfreichsten mentalen Werkzeuge,  die man in diesem Fall anwenden kann, die positive Bedeutung.Egal,… Read the rest

Metatron: While You Sleep

This is a nice little exercise before sleeping.

An hour before you go to bed, ask Archangel Metatron to prepare his Light Bath for you.

If you are in peaceful surroundings, you may be aware of a gentle current of light running through your body.… Read the rest

Exercise To Release Fear

In Session 2189 Elias talks to a person who is shaken by fear. Before he continued the session Elias suggested this little exercise to release some of the fear and to reach enough relaxation of energy to be able to go on… (more…)

The World Will Not End In 2012

Carlos Barrios, Mayan elder and Ajq’ij – a ceremonial priest and spiritual guide – of the Eagle Clan. Carlos initiated an investigation into the different Mayan calendars circulating.

Carlos along with his brother Gerardo studied with many teachers and interviewed nearly 600 traditional Mayan elders to widen their scope of knowledge.… Read the rest

NO Struggle!

This wonderful message from P’taah is the best you can read while relaxing and chilling in your holidays. “You will never be more perfect than you are in this moment!” as P’taah says…  Who wants more!

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