Exercise To Release Fear

In Session 2189 Elias talks to a person who is shaken by fear. Before he continued the session Elias suggested this little exercise to release some of the fear and to reach enough relaxation of energy to be able to go on… (more…)

Feelings Now

In his Audio Session 3051 Elias explores the actual wave of feelings which is is addressing to creation and is addressing to senses and these are very interconnected with  feelings. They trigger feelings. (more…)


Taste!  Smell!  Listen!  Touch! Use your five senses to be more aware of your world, which is you. Take i.e. a bird’s perspective or view things by an ant’s view. Or as Marcel Proust said: (more…)


Most rarely people align with their true power, because it seems illogical to them that there is power in relaxation, in letting go, or in love or joy or bliss. Most people do not understand that their true power lies in releasing resistance (more…)

Rub Your Earlobes

The earlobes are very important acupuncture points, very closely connected to remembrance. When the ear is pierced the energy within gets a sever jolt. In fact, piercing the ears was even a well-known remedy (more…)

Feel “I am”

I am existing. Go deep into this feeling. Just sitting, go deep into this feeling ― I am existing, I am. Feel it, don’t think it, because you can say it in the mind – I AM – and it is futile.… Read the rest

Abate Your Shields

Now; in this time framework, you are attempting to trust again.  I may express to you, in this situation, remember that an element of your success is dependent upon your willingness to receive, which is quite significant, and coupled with receiving is exposing.… Read the rest

Slipping Out Of The Mind

. Meditation is not a solution of any problem in particular; it solves nothing. It simply helps you to get rid of the mind, the problem-creator. It simply helps you to slip out of the mind like a snake slips out of the old skin.… Read the rest

Hearing And Seeing

The Unique Human Capacity For Hearing Truth
Indeed, and that is the very point of all of these discussions. Sometimes it may take a little while. There may appear to be a lag between the hearing and the realization,, (more…)

Appreciating Yourself

In this exercise you are practicing initially with acknowledging your experiences and what you are expressing, whether you like it or not, and not pushing, not attempting to eliminate, not attempting to rid yourself or divorce yourself from your experience, (more…)

Huna String Figures

An interesting feature of the Huna Culture are String Figures. I have the impression that they are helpful for the creation of forms and maybe worlds. They serve as symbols and show also the interconnectedness of everything. (more…)

Meditations For Children

Parents have in some cases overwhelmed their kids with so many new and different endeavors that they have not had the opportunity to learn how to repose. Contrary to our society’s energetic values, (more…)

Just Relax

If you incorporate a time framework in which you engage a walk, at a point within your walk allow yourself to stop and sit beneath a tree.  In that, as you sit beneath the tree, allow yourself a calmness in which momentarily you focus your attention upon each of your senses, connecting each of those senses with the tree. … Read the rest


The more that you allow yourself that freedom to be uniquely you and to express yourself in your creativity, in your passion of it, the more you express your own unique excellence. (more…)

The Rubberband Analogy

In his wonderful workshop ‘Accelerating ET Contact’ Bashar speaks about how to reach higher frequencies enabling contact with his civilization, about parallel worlds, 2012, UFO landing and more. And as his civilization considers the human society as very limited and living in dark ages he shares also this analogy about the rubber band which is pulled far into the dark and will – when released – catapult humans very quickly into the light…

You know that when you take a rubber band and pull it back and let it go it shoots up in the opposite direction.… Read the rest

Be Real!

Always remember, no matter what you are doing, observe whether your center is involved in it or not, because if it is not involved it is better not to do a thing. Don’t do it! No one is forcing you to do anything.… Read the rest


Von David Liuzzo, Attribution, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15195265P’taah speaks about sovereignty, the actual accelerating change in consciousness, about responsibility, trust, judgements, allowance…  This is very, very important knowledge for the Individual as well as for whole Nations which are as sovereign as are their citizens.

When you are acknowledging your sovereignty, that is acknowledging that it is your creation absolutely, every part of your life.

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17 SEC.

If you can hold a thought, just a simple thought, for 17 seconds, without contradicting it, another thought like it same shape, same size, same vibration, same tone, by law of attraction another thought like it will come to it. And at precisely the 17 second point, these two thoughts will join one another, they coalesce and when they do that there is an energy that is expended, it is like a combustion point.… Read the rest


8 Ways To Reassurance

STOP  – stop whatever you’re doing.

RELAX – relax your mind, let go of any beliefs.

BREATHE – normal breathing, not deep breaths.

OBSERVE – observe your breathing, notice the silence.

TRUST – trust the breathing, trust the silence.… Read the rest

Control And Exposing

Some statements by Elias on Control,  Appeciation,
Exposure and a new kind of Interaction

Guest: I suppose what comes to mind is acceptance of energy.

ELIAS:  That is a prerequisite, but beyond the acceptance.  For let me clarify, you may be accepting and that may not necessarily generate what you want, for it is dependent upon how you are expressing that acceptance. … Read the rest



Elias, channelled by Mary Ennis, is one of my favourite sources of inspiration. This small exercise that he offers here is important, because the lack of  deservingness – of self-value – is certainly very impeding for fulfilling your desires whatever they are… Enlightenment, wealth, health….… Read the rest



Elias, channelled by Mary Ennis, is one of my favourite sources of inspiration. This small exercise that he offers here is important, because the lack of  deservingness – of self-value – is certainly very impeding for fulfilling your desires whatever they are… Enlightenment, wealth, health….… Read the rest


We say one more thing about the idea of healing the self. We will give you the idea of a particular permission slip that you can use to attract whatever information you need that has to do with healing. So if you use this permission slip because it is generally keyed to the collective energy vibration of your entire species, you will find it will generally work for most of you in whatever way your imagination so desires.… Read the rest


Circumstances don't matter

A mantram is short spiritual formula to reach the highest being – the One Self. It uses the power of words – like spells – to create a union with the essence of the self . Prayers, meditation and mantras turn the awareness – consciousness, spirit, everything – to the inner being – to God.… Read the rest

Answers from God?

What if you could discover how God is speaking to you, and you could learn how to tune in and listen? How would your life change as a result? In just 7 minutes, I will guide you in a process to bring forth your higher self and manifest an important message from your soul.… Read the rest

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