Transitional Governments

This is a channelling of the Galactic Federation of Light through Sheldan Nidle which informs about the state of the art of the actual changements on Earth. They say that this is the final stage before mass landings (more…)

Precious Moment

So called leaders and other “authorities” are quick in suggesting or even commanding sacrifices for a “better future”. They want to sacrify the present – the only moment that exists – for something that does not exist. And even when one is in the so-called future it is again now.… Read the rest

Hopi Prophecies

The prophecies of the Maya about the end of time in 2012 are very popular and well known to a certain point. But there are many more prophecies that are also interesting to explore. Crystalink has a huge collection of these prophecies and other phenomena throughout the centuries…

When birds fall from the sky and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, who by their ACTIONS and deeds shall make the Earth GREEN again.

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Fluorescent Lighting

In his latest newsletter David Icke speaks about fluorescent lighting and how it is detrimental to health, not only because it contains a lot of mercury which makes it a dangerous waste, but most of all because of  its vibrational effect… (more…)

Alternative Government

Seth, channelled by Jane Roberts, suggests these codicils as alternate hypotheses, as a base for private and  public experience and a new alternative to our present individual and political mass governments.

1. All of creation is sacred and alive, each part connected to each other part, and each communicating in a creative cooperative commerce in which the smallest and the largest are equally involved.

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Alternative Government

Seth, channelled by Jane Roberts, suggests these codicils as alternate hypotheses, as a base for private and  public experience and a new alternative to our present individual and political mass governments.

1. All of creation is sacred and alive, each part connected to each other part, and each communicating in a creative cooperative commerce in which the smallest and the largest are equally involved.

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Are You A Bright?

Only recently I learnt about the Bright Philosophy. The definition of a Bright is “a person whose worldview is naturalistic–free of supernatural and mystical elements. A Bright’s ethics and actions are based on a naturalistic worldview” and “naturalistic” means “conceiving of reality as natural (not supernatural)”.Read the rest

Pain – Awareness – Guilt

This pain is not to make you sad, remember. That’s where people go on missing…. This pain is just to make you more alert – because people become alert only when the arrow goes deep into their heart and wounds them.… Read the rest

Enlightened Selfishness

Gouvernements, religions and other organizations and people want to persuade everybody to sacrifice their money, energy and even life to their (mostly destructive) agendas and call this patriotic, service to a community or to God or for a “greater” purpose. (more…)

Indoctrination vs. Education

There is a big difference between education and indoctrination or propaganda. The educational institutions have come little by little to use more indoctrination than education – a sad reality.

The former religious dogmata have been substituted by scientific dogmata and both give a rather narrow or tunnel sight of reality.… Read the rest

Alternatives to Government

A questionner asks Bashar about how to change the government of the United States. The answer of Bashar is to change oneself and act as wanted and not re-act to the manifested. Of course this advice is valuable for all nations. (more…)

Betlehem 2009

Personal power is not necessarily something you use to control others nor do you use it to control your environment or yourself. It is, however, or rather, something you use to focus your thoughts, discipline your awareness and present facets of your personality (more…)

The Weather

There are many parts contained in it which we did not spend much time devoted to. Part will deal with your present situation of your planetary condition and weather. (more…)

Sexual Chemistry

Relationships – sexual relationships – are a big issue for most humans in the world and the question is: Why am I attracted more to this or that person and not to another. Abraham answers these questions and by understanding it one can more easily attract what one wants. It is – as for everything – the Law of Attraction at work. The whole secret is to line up FIRST with who you really are and then you get what you want or as Jesus said: “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness” …

Question: When you are tuned in, tapped in, turned on and you’re in a room with others who are also tuned in, tapped in, turned on, but you aren’t attracted sexually, that sexual chemistry with every single person. And I was wondering what is it that evokes it from say, this person and not that person?

Abraham: Well, you have to remember that you have put your vibrational escrow together very intimately with a tremendous amount of detail over a long period of time. So, as you synthesize life, your preferences are honed. Your personal preferences are honed so when you come into vibrational alignment with those carefully honed preferences – everyone in the room doesn’t match the data you’ve been gathering and the conclusions you’ve come to, you see.


Banksy vs. Bristol Museum

For the first time Banksy agreed to an exhibition in the Bristol Museum and shows 100 pieces of his works. His view of the actual society – and not only in Great Britain – is very witty and precise. He picks out central themes like war, animal experiments, child labour, consumption or our “beloved leaders”.… Read the rest

Do NOT Choose Covid

Elias speaks here not specially about Swine Flu but rather about different illnesses, also collective or pandemic illnesses and assesses that they are a choice….

I am understanding that within physical focus, it is quite easily expressed that individuals hold a thought process that they understand and accept that they are actually creating certain identifications of what you may express to be illness or malady, and that they are choosing to be creating this.… Read the rest


If cannabis were unknown, and bioprospectors were suddenly to find it in some remote mountain crevice, its discovery would no doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough. Scientists would praise its potential for treating everything from pain to cancer, and marvel at its rich pharmacopoeia—many of whose chemicals mimic vital molecules in the human body.… Read the rest

A Call to Conscious Evolution

“Climate change, economic disparity, educational inequities, geopolitical tensions — these mounting concerns are symptoms of a world that is out of balance. Together we can shift consciousness by co-creating a new way of being together. (more…)

Peaceful Civil Disobedience

The General Strike is a national call to action, from citizens to other citizens. We all have different concerns, but we all have the same concern: we are being lied to and this government does not represent us.Join other Americans in demanding truth, justice, and accountability.… Read the rest

Seth About Drugs

Drugs are actually considered as very “bad” and even grass (Marijuana) is condemned as dangerous. And because of this fear hemp i.e. is so much forbidden, that it is even not really used for all its other great properties. Seth speaks here (in excerpts) about drugs and how they act:

Seth: “Now: I am not telling you to go out and get grass [marijuana], but grass is a natural ingredient, and acid [LSD] is not, in your terms.”… Read the rest

TM – Global Country

Global Country of World Peace, an organization established on October 7, 2000 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program, is dedicated to what he calls preventive, invincible administration for the whole world. Through his programs, he said that he intended to create world peace by strengthening and unifying the world’s diversity in happiness, prosperity, and invincibility.… Read the rest

Climate Crisis

There are many parts contained in it which we did not spend much time devoted to. Part will deal with your present situation of your planetary condition and weather. You are struck by the unusualness of your present weather conditions. At the same time your planet experiences, now and in your recent past, many eruptions in planetary conditions.… Read the rest

Money, Money…

Just listen to how most people talk about money.  They openly tell others how poor they are, and how they never have any money.  They say…

“I can’t afford it”
“We never have enough money”
“The bills just keep coming”
“When will we ever get ahead?”… Read the rest

Jante Law

The Jante Law (Danish and Norwegian: Janteloven; Swedish: Jantelagen; Finnish: Janten laki) is the Nordic version of the tall poppy syndrome.It was named and described by the Norwegian/Danish author Aksel Sandemose in his novel A Fugitive Crosses his Tracks.

There are ten different rules in the law, but they are all variations on a single theme and are usually referred to as a homogeneous unit:
Don’t think you’re anyone special or that you’re better than us.Read the rest

What is War?

Two quotes from Jiddu Krishnamurti, one of the greatest spiritual teachers of the 20th century, which are now more than ever true. The actual wars in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine and in parts of Africa show how necessary the inner transformation is.… Read the rest

Learning From Inside Out

Learning from inside outSraddhalu Ranade, a scientist at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, speaks about how to educate the whole person. While the current educational system has its roots in the industrial age and a mechanical mindset, the converging crises of our time call for a new, more holistic approach to learning that supports the unfolding of and integration around each person’s deepest potential.… Read the rest

Waking Up From Propaganda

Waking Up From the Trance
of Social and Scientific Orthodox Propaganda

“What luck for rulers that men do not think”  Adolf Hitler

Brainwash So, with all the “stuff” out there in terms of what we are being told every day, how do we keep ourselves from becoming duped and “doped”?… Read the rest

The Galactic Federation and Mass Arrests

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come with news about the progress of our associates in manifesting your prosperity and your new governance. The mass arrests are very close to happening. Many figures in banking and finance have already resigned from a wide range of institutions throughout the world, and now these barely reported events include the upper management of some major international corporations.… Read the rest

Strange Sounds in the Sky explained by Scientist

Maybe you would like to know also more about the strange sounds that have been recently heard around the world. Some people even call them “The Sound of the Apocalypse”. Dr. Prof. Elchin Khalilov has now given an interview where he develops some theories about these sounds which are very loud although most of them lie in the infrasound range and cannot even be heard by Humans.… Read the rest

Thich Nhat Hanh – Beyond Environment

Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh has been practising meditation and mindfulness for 70 years and radiates an extraordinary sense of calm and peace. This is a man who on a fundamental level walks his talk, and whom Buddhists revere as a Bodhisattva; seeking the highest level of being in order to help others.… Read the rest


2012 raises a lot of questions and fears. People ridicule the shift or are very anxious about the “end of the world”. Both attitudes are not very helpful in understanding the shift of consciousness which accelerates dramatically this year and with dramatically I mean in a very rapid way.… Read the rest


2012 raises a lot of questions and fears. People ridicule the shift or are very anxious about the “end of the world”. Both attitudes are not very helpful in understanding the shift of consciousness which accelerates dramatically this year and with dramatically I mean in a very rapid way.… Read the rest

Old World Order

These are some links which I want to remember and investigate further. But I thought that they might interest also some visitors of my site, so I make them public. They deal about UFOs, Alien technologies, Benjamin Fulford, David Wilcock, The Project Camelot and more and there are a lot of interesting (and long) videos to watch…

First I publish this video of David Wilcock, who has received a serious death thread after releasing a recent article he had posted on his website.… Read the rest


Unworthiness is the most widespread disease in the whole world. Religions, science and politics – the so-called elite – have done and do their best to persuade humans that they are not worthy “in the face of God” (more…)


THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s really going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. (more…)

Conscious Capitalism

“Conscious Capitalism is a philosophy based on the belief that a more complex form of capitalism is emerging that holds the potential for enhancing corporate performance while simultaneously continuing to advance the quality of life of billions of people..”

Sounds good at first sight but there is a drawback: Conscious capitalism requires conscious people and I don’t speak only of  “leaders” as they do in this website, leaders that “deliver value to the stakeholders”.… Read the rest

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