NO Struggle!

This wonderful message from P’taah is the best you can read while relaxing and chilling in your holidays. “You will never be more perfect than you are in this moment!” as P’taah says…  Who wants more!

Appreciation And Abundance

The Morning Song offered by P’taah is one of the most beautiful “prayers” one can say. As P’taah, who is channelled by Jani King says himself, it “transforms the frequency of fear and lack into the frequency of abundance (more…)

Basics By Seth

Seth, channelled by Jane Roberts, declares that there are several major root assumptions and many minor ones. Below are listed some of the major ones and each of them is a whole science to be explored. (more…)

Little Secret

Elias offers here another kind of “secret”. In reality he is making fun of people’s greed for paper, as he calls it, for paper money. I think what he is telling here is that creating i.e. money must be as naturally as buying milk in the store. (more…)

Feelings Now

In his Audio Session 3051 Elias explores the actual wave of feelings which is is addressing to creation and is addressing to senses and these are very interconnected with  feelings. They trigger feelings. (more…)

The Parable Of The Rainbow Room

There are so many channelled messages “out” there, that it is impossible to keep track. However, today, I found a message in a mailing list from Kryon of Magnetic Service , channelled by Lee Caroll (more…)

Transitional Governments

This is a channelling of the Galactic Federation of Light through Sheldan Nidle which informs about the state of the art of the actual changements on Earth. They say that this is the final stage before mass landings (more…)

Treaty For Peace

Dr. Carol Rosin released the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty of 2011 during her presentation at the International UFO Congress held last weekend in Scottsdale, Arizona to a standing ovation. (more…)

The Silent Prayer

This is a beautiful interpretation of the Silent Prayer by Tobias who is channelled by Geoffrey Hoppe from the  Crimson Circle Shaumbra. It is about accepting the own perfect Being and the greatness of  each being – here and in the Universe…

[youtube][/youtube]… Read the rest

Alternative Government

Seth, channelled by Jane Roberts, suggests these codicils as alternate hypotheses, as a base for private and  public experience and a new alternative to our present individual and political mass governments.

1. All of creation is sacred and alive, each part connected to each other part, and each communicating in a creative cooperative commerce in which the smallest and the largest are equally involved.

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Alternative Government

Seth, channelled by Jane Roberts, suggests these codicils as alternate hypotheses, as a base for private and  public experience and a new alternative to our present individual and political mass governments.

1. All of creation is sacred and alive, each part connected to each other part, and each communicating in a creative cooperative commerce in which the smallest and the largest are equally involved.

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Pole Shift

Scientists and geologists all agree the Earth has experienced many pole shifts in the past. There is growing evidence that the Earth’s magnetics are definitely changing and the changes are accelerating. (more…)

2011 – The Year Ahead

Dear Ones, as we have told you, the world remakes itself now and whether or not humanity in micro or macro is supportive of expansive change or against it, it is truly a moot point as the inertia of time-chronology speeds past more quickly todaythan it did yesterday in linear sequence.… Read the rest

Indulging your imagination

Frank Butterfield is a channel for the collection of non-physical entities who speak with a single, gentle voice named Paul. “Communion of Light” refers to the experience that we have when we connect with these beings of light.  (more…)

Seth: The Pre-Creation Agony

Seth gives an idea of what was before creation or before the Big Bang, so to speak.  Although it is hard to imagine a pre-creation state it is worth to be pondered and as Seth says himself some information might be distorted because of our notion of time… (more…)

You Are Creators

You are Creators of Worlds. You didn’t come to create trucks and stuff. You are Creators of Worlds. You are Creators of concepts. You are Creators of people living together in joyous harmony. (more…)

The Shift

Actually we have governements in Europe and the USA that are moving to a dictatorial behaviour and treating individuals rather as slaves than as free beings. This is probably the agony of a dying system which tries to save its power. (more…)


This is a completely unusual definition of forgiveness. Normally, forgiveness is considered as something positive – as a virtue. However Elias defines it no less than the wolf in sheep’s clothing, as discounting of others and of the self. (more…)

This Death Thing

We’re not wanting to be insensitive to what so many of you are feeling, but we are very much wanting you to put this death thing in the proper perspective: You are all going to die! (more…)

Is The Moon An Artificial Construct

The most important announcement in human history is that there is life beyond Earth. The question isn’t, ‘is there intelligent life in the universe? but ‘why haven’t they visited us?’  The answer is, ‘they have’ and ‘they are here’! (more…)

Seth About Ufos

Many of the flying saucer appearances come from a plane, that is much more advanced in technological sciences than earth at this time. However, this is still not a mental-science plane.

Therefore the camouflage paraphernalia appears, more or less visible, to your own astonishment.… Read the rest

The River of Life

“There is a profound Buddhist doctrine that speaks of a great river that flows through all of reality. Once you have found yourself, there is no more cause for action. The river picks you up and carries you along forever after.” John Cali (more…)

Save The World?

You didn’t come on a mission to save the world, or to fix the world, or to correct the world, or to make the world see the errors of their ways.

You didn’t come forth to align the world, to unite the world. (more…)

Do Orbs Create Cropcircles?

The quickening of the crystalline energy is evidenced by the appearance of what you term ‘orbs’. Indeed these have created quite a stir in the ‘New Age’ of metaphysics. We tell you these orbs are tangible evidence to those of you who see them and photograph them on your digital technology cameras. (more…)

The Greater Context

To me, it is almost inconceivable that, from your position, any of you seriously consider that the existence of your exquisite consciousness can possibly be the result of a conglomeration of chemicals and elements thrown together (more…)

Shift In Consciousness

Although it seems that “authorities” are stronger than ever and that the individual looses his rights more and more and even becomes more and more ignorant about himself, I am convinced that these are the last steps in traversing the dark to the light, so to speak.… Read the rest

Hearing And Seeing

The Unique Human Capacity For Hearing Truth
Indeed, and that is the very point of all of these discussions. Sometimes it may take a little while. There may appear to be a lag between the hearing and the realization,, (more…)

Forever Young

Or at least staying longtime young…
I found a video of Bashar where he speaks about how to stay young and not only at heart. He says that when you stay in the moment doing things that excites you and time seems to be fleeing away (more…)


P’taah answers a question about fears and how to overcome them and he makes an interesting statement about trust… (more…)

Enlightened Selfishness

Gouvernements, religions and other organizations and people want to persuade everybody to sacrifice their money, energy and even life to their (mostly destructive) agendas and call this patriotic, service to a community or to God or for a “greater” purpose. (more…)

Bashar about 2012

Of course there are a few different kinds of interpretations and many different ideas that are connected to those notions other than just the popular ones, shall we say. [audience question] Well there are a few different things we can check. (more…)

Alternatives to Government

A questionner asks Bashar about how to change the government of the United States. The answer of Bashar is to change oneself and act as wanted and not re-act to the manifested. Of course this advice is valuable for all nations. (more…)

About Reptilians

Reptilians are “in” actually, in symbolism like vampires, demons an alike.  Bashar gives here a short overview about this race and their characteristics…

Q: Do reptilian extraterrestrials have the power to take over here?
Bashar: No.
Q: It seems to me that the Greys evolved out of the Reptilians, is this accurate?… Read the rest

Phi Crystals – The Philosopher’s Stone

Crystals cut into sacred Phi angles are capable of many things, most of which are beyond the current understanding of the masses of humankind within polarity consciousness. You see these crystals exist above the spectrum of your visible light, (more…)

About The Physical Universe

You have in your civilization, what is called a particular story, you may call it a joke… we will relate it to you:  You have what you call an individual, who in your terms says, that they believe in the power of God, and that they do not need to do anything but that. (more…)

The Threshold Of 2012

Bashar answers questions about 2012 and explains from his view point that it is a threshold to the dominance on positive energy on earth and it is not a “majority” which realizes this very important step of humanity, but relatively few individuals. (more…)

Bashar Teleconference

Last weekend I attended via phone a Bashar Seminar in Los Angeles, dealing with belief systems and how to detect them. The highlight of the seminar was a Holotope Experience, a kind of guided imagination to open the channel to the expanded self (more…)

The Weather

There are many parts contained in it which we did not spend much time devoted to. Part will deal with your present situation of your planetary condition and weather. (more…)

Consumer Society

Since a certain time the media – as well as our unwise “leaders” and of course the economy “experts” – do not speak anymore of human beings or only citizens, they speak of consumers.  (more…)

Medical Curses

Seth speaks here about the curses thrown by doctors on their patients – of course with the best intentions. They think they help if they reinforce the feeling of dis-ease. (more…)

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