The World Will Not End In 2012

Carlos Barrios, Mayan elder and Ajq’ij – a ceremonial priest and spiritual guide – of the Eagle Clan. Carlos initiated an investigation into the different Mayan calendars circulating.

Carlos along with his brother Gerardo studied with many teachers and interviewed nearly 600 traditional Mayan elders to widen their scope of knowledge.… Read the rest

Teaching Of Nisargadatta Maharaj

Nisargadatta’s teachings are rooted in the Advaita Vedanta interpretation of the Vedic idea “Tat Tvam Asi” meaning “That You Are” or finally divine Oneness. He is one of the most radical – going to the roots  –  Indian Wisdom Teachers (more…)

Precious Moment

So called leaders and other “authorities” are quick in suggesting or even commanding sacrifices for a “better future”. They want to sacrify the present – the only moment that exists – for something that does not exist. And even when one is in the so-called future it is again now.… Read the rest

Fluorescent Lighting

In his latest newsletter David Icke speaks about fluorescent lighting and how it is detrimental to health, not only because it contains a lot of mercury which makes it a dangerous waste, but most of all because of  its vibrational effect… (more…)


I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element.  It is my personal approach that creates the climate.  It is my daily mood that makes the weather.  I possess tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous. (more…)

The Heart’s Code

You know that the heart loves and feels, but did you know that the heart also thinks, remembers, communicates with other hearts, helps regulate immunity, and contains stored information that continually pulses through the body? In the Heart’s Code, Dr. Paul Pearsall explains the theory and science behind energy cardiology, the newly emerging field that is uncovering one of the most significant medical, social, and spiritual discoveries of our time.… Read the rest

Give Peace A Chance

Time again for some good vibrations, today with Give Peace a Chance by John Lennon. Good sound, great lyrics!  Yes, who needs …ism! They are a source of separation and therefore of wars. (more…)

Human Race Get Off Your Knees

The new book of David Icke describes the challenges humanity faces right now. There are, and will be, so many challenges because the world created by the dying vibrational construct must collapse (more…)

Pain – Awareness – Guilt

This pain is not to make you sad, remember. That’s where people go on missing…. This pain is just to make you more alert – because people become alert only when the arrow goes deep into their heart and wounds them.… Read the rest

Everything Is Conscious

Science describes the philosophy that everything is alive as Hylozoism and the philosophy that everything is conscious as Panpsychism. One of the main representants of Panpsychism is the German  Theodor Fechner (1801-1887).

This is a quote from the philosopher William James’s (Pluralistic Universe) , describing Fechner’s work:

“For him the abstract lived in the concrete, and the hidden motive of all he did was to bring what he called the daylight view of the world into ever greater evidence, that daylight view being this, that the whole universe in its different spans and wave-lengths, exclusions and envelopment, is everywhere alive and conscious… The original sin, according to Fechner, of both our popular and our scientific thinking, is our inveterate habit of regarding the spiritual not as the rule but as an exception in the midst of nature.Read the rest

Meeting Castaneda

An Interview with Carlos Castaneda in 1972 by Sam Keen

castanedaSAM KEEN: As I followed don Juan through your three books, I suspected, at times, that he was the creation of Carlos Castaneda.  He is almost to good to be true – a wise old Indian whose knowledge of human nature is superior to almost everybody’s.… Read the rest

Aloneness: Your Self-Nature


Aloneness is a flower, a lotus blooming in your heart. Aloneness is positive, aloneness is health. It is the joy of being yourself. It is the joy of having your own space.

Meditation means: bliss in being alone. One is really alive when one has become capable of it, when there is no dependence anymore on anybody, on any situation, on any condition.… Read the rest

Hard Times

A man was selling oranges in the middle of a road. He was illiterate, so he never read newspapers. He put some signs along the road and spent the whole day praising the flavor of his wares.

Everyone bought from him and the man thrived.… Read the rest

Hard Times

A man was selling oranges in the middle of a road. He was illiterate, so he never read newspapers. He put some signs along the road and spent the whole day praising the flavor of his wares. (more…)

Equality is a Myth

They say that every human being is equal. And of course it satisfies the ego of every human being – nobody objects. It is one of the most dangerous lies to tell human beings.

I say to you, equality is a myth.

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Osho – Women (and Men) have been told….

Man has been taught to be just a man: never to show any feminine traits, never to show any softness of the heart, never to show any receptivity, always be aggressive. Man has been taught never to cry, never weep – because tears are feminine.

Women have been taught never to be in any way like the male: never to show aggression, never show expression, to always remain passive, receptive. This is against reality, and this has crippled both. (more…)

Answers from God?

What if you could discover how God is speaking to you, and you could learn how to tune in and listen? How would your life change as a result? In just 7 minutes, I will guide you in a process to bring forth your higher self and manifest an important message from your soul.… Read the rest

Escape in Prison

What brings a 66 year old woman, mother to four children and grand-mother to nine grandchildren to experiment with prison instead of quietly sitting in a rocking chair or travelling the world?

This is the beginning of an excerpt of the book “Escape in Prison” written by Ghislaine Lanctot, a former Canadian doctor and mother of four.… Read the rest

Having A Baby?

Somebody asked Osho if it is a good idea to have a baby. His advice is really wise and should be taken in consideration by all people who want to be parents. By the way, this is also a good recommendation for all people who want pets…

If you can avoid it that is very good.

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Masters of the Far East

The complete title of  a very interesting  book  is “The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East”  and it was written by Baird T. Spalding. I read this book years ago in German and was quite impressed and lately I had a vague intention to read it again in the original text.… Read the rest

The Matrix

Montalk is a really informative site which covers issues such as Aliens, Conspiracy, Metaphysics, Gnosis or Science. Since I discovered the site I spent quite a lot of time reading the various articles (more…)

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