Metatron: While You Sleep

This is a nice little exercise before sleeping.

An hour before you go to bed, ask Archangel Metatron to prepare his Light Bath for you.

If you are in peaceful surroundings, you may be aware of a gentle current of light running through your body.… Read the rest


It is only a question of choice if one is a puppet played by others – authorities, churches, science, politics – or if one is able to choose deliberately desired experiences – without any conditionings… Get off your knees! (more…)


I found these statements at a site that is no longer available but had a lot of inspirations to offer. The last post i.e. has as title “No Pain, No Pain” to tell you that it is new thinking. I would subscribe to every word below… (more…)


I found these statements at a site that is no longer available but had a lot of inspirations to offer. The last post i.e. has as title “No Pain, No Pain” to tell you that it is new thinking. I would subscribe to every word below… (more…)

Sacred Sound

You’re in charge of your vibration. And when you get that, you will finally, maybe for the first time ever, but once and for all, be free!  When you get it that the way you feel is ONLY about your attention to some subject, then you are free. … Read the rest


Some time ago I saw a part of a movie about Queen Victoria and how she became queen at a very young age. She had some trouble to slip into her new role and had also doubts that she could be really a queen. (more…)

Just Do It !

This well-known scene with Luke Skywalker where Yoda raises the spaceship by pure mental power is a good demonstration of real human power. I know, it is hard to believe that’s why some practice is necessary until it works… (more…)

The Body Cells

All manifestations come from vibrational patterns which one could call also belief systems. And there is only one way to change unwanted patterns… By going back into the vortex or in other words…  by choosing different beliefs to be able to be joyful, feel good and even being exstatic..… Read the rest

Dancing Gods

Some years ago I made a lot of  flash objects. Just for playing. From time to time I will publish some here. Maybe it is fun for you, too. It is necessary indeed not to be too serious, neither in playing of course nor in life. (more…)

The Shift

Actually we have governements in Europe and the USA that are moving to a dictatorial behaviour and treating individuals rather as slaves than as free beings. This is probably the agony of a dying system which tries to save its power. (more…)

Crown Yourself

Geoffrey Hope writes in the newsletter of Shaumbra “If I were a king”  about self-value and about how many people lack of it. I agree completely and suggest to wear a kind of crown sometimes to feel the power of the own personnality. (more…)

Feeling Is The Prayer

This is an excerpt of Gred Braden’s book The Divine Matrix where he is writing about this matrix as being the bridge between our imagination and our reality, and the mirror in our world for what we create in our beliefs. (more…)

The Art Of Self-Love

A Gallup poll a while back reported 2 out of 3 Americans suffer from low self-esteem and, presumably, a lack of self-love and for Europe it is probably the same. Low self-esteem is maybe the greatest “disease” in the Western world.… Read the rest

Resentment and Resistance

How to overcome easily resentment and resistance
The body always shows when resentment and resistance are triggered. You begin to feel uncomfortable, your chest tightens up, your stomach churns… (more…)

How To Generate Abundance

There are people who are earning, all around this world, so disproportionate to the action that they are offering that you could not possibly reconcile the wealth that’s flowing to them. You just can’t reconcile it. There are a majority of people that are accustomed to performing an action and receiving a financial response. (more…)

The River of Life

“There is a profound Buddhist doctrine that speaks of a great river that flows through all of reality. Once you have found yourself, there is no more cause for action. The river picks you up and carries you along forever after.” John Cali (more…)

Shift In Consciousness

Although it seems that “authorities” are stronger than ever and that the individual looses his rights more and more and even becomes more and more ignorant about himself, I am convinced that these are the last steps in traversing the dark to the light, so to speak.… Read the rest

The Magic Wand

You are the source of your abundance.  Abundance doesn’t come from your job or your retirement plans or your stocks, as many of you have been taught. Abundance doesn’t come from your friends or partner (more…)

Bashar about 2012

Of course there are a few different kinds of interpretations and many different ideas that are connected to those notions other than just the popular ones, shall we say. [audience question] Well there are a few different things we can check. (more…)


Remember, there is no expression within your reality that you are ACQUIRING. You do not acquire. You already possess. It is merely an expression of actualizing what you possess. That is accomplished in… (more…)

Positive Synchronicity

When you “follow your excitement” in the moment, each “now” moment, this leads to Positive Synchronicity – things “magically” working out in a way that is delightfully and surprisingly pleasing.

When you ignore your excitement, and are instead led by your fears and worries, this leads to Negative Synchronicity – upsetting events – the very things you wished to avoid.… Read the rest

Kryon – Review Of 2009

Kryon speaks about the year 2009 as a year of conflict, a year of strife – at the outside as well as on the inside with many turbulences of energetic nature. But he tells of course, how to change and to end the struggle.… Read the rest

Revolution Evolution

Take me literally. You are your own universe. You are your own reality. You vibrate to ideas. Ideas vibrating to your level become the reality you experience. Now, if you were, in your terms, the only one to vibrate (more…)

Dolphin Midwives

A Russian named Igor Charkovsky has been involved in underwater birthing for a long time. He has probably assisted with at least 20,000 underwater births. His daughter, one of the first to be born underwater, was in her twenties, I think, when the following incident took place.… Read the rest

Resist NOT Bullies

You know all the “bullies” out there trying to rule the world, enslave people and who think they “know better”. I am speaking of the people of the New World Order – the financiers and politicians in the United States, Europe (more…)

Neville Goddard: Feeling is the Secret

Recently, I asked a very successful businessman his formula for success. He laughed and was a little embarrassed. Then he replied, “I guess it’s just because I can’t conceive of failure. It’s nothing that I think about much. It’s more a feeling that I have.”


His statement coincided completely with my own beliefs and experiments. We can think about something forever and never see it in our world, but once let us feel its reality, and we are bound to encounter it. The more intensely we feel, the sooner we will encounter it. We all regard feelings far too much as effects, and not sufficiently as causes of the events of the day. Feeling is not only the result of our conditions of life, it is also the creator of those conditions. We say we are happy because we are well, not realizing that the process will work equally well in the reverse direction. We are well because we are happy. We are all far too Extend your feelers, trust your touch, participate in all flights of your imaginations and be not afraid of your own sensitivities.undisciplined in our feelings. To be joyful for another is to bless ourselves as well as him. To be angry with another is to punish ourselves for his fault. The distressed mind stays at home though the body travels to the ends of the earth, while the happy mind travels though the body remains at home.



Scientists have recognized for some time that people suffering from depression often experience a substantial reduction in symptoms when given a placebo. In fact, this observation has led some researchersto propose that up to 75 percent of the apparent efficacy of antidepressant medicine may actually be attributable to the placebo effect.

Rauwolfia serpentinaSo it seems that the Placebo Effect is rehabilitated.  And that is what Ramtha says about Placebos:

“If we have emotions, we have then only memory. In imagination, we are free from emotion. That is why daydreamers resort to imagination to lift them up from depression. If society’s scientists and medical doctors, neuroscientists, and neurophysicists destroy imagination, they have destroyed the natural Prozac of human luster.”

And even more:

“In the old days, really old days, leaders of continents, nations, and principalities taught people how to think. To help them along, they used to put an herb called rauwolfia in the community water well. In other words, quietly they endeavored to put the herb equivalent of Prozac in the village water well. The reason they did that was because leaders of peoples a long, long time ago had a very different responsibility than the famed and fortunate ones of today. They had the exquisite duty of reinstating confidence, protection, and equalness within the people, and rauwolfia was a wonderful drug in water that relieved people’s insecurity.”

Generating Positive Feelings

With a few simple changes of attitude you can install a new positive habitude. By this you are independant of the vibrations of other people and you are not so easily manipulable. This new attitude is the beginning of souvereignty (more…)

What is Positive Feeling?

Positive Feeling is first of all to own – to integrate – all experiences and all things perceived and to realize that all what happens ist self-generated.  From this point on one is able to choose the experiences (more…)

Path of Least Resistance

Say Universe… “You know what I want.
Give it to me in the path of least resistance.
Give it to me in any way I can get it.”

And then watch how many vortexes open for you
where you’re standing in the spot
where the moon will shine just right
where the stars will twinkle just right
where a bird will land on the bush right in front of you
where the beast in the wild will come up and stare you right in the face

where orchestrations by the universe show you that you are the center of the Universe and that everything you want comes to fruition and that you don’t need to demand the cooperation of other humans that when you come into alignment with what you want the co-operative Universe yields it to you endlessly.… Read the rest

The Secret Behind The Secret

Act on your passion and don’t forget, you must also be passionate about being passionate.
Never give up when negative thoughts look around.

Use your imagination:

Create a situation,  an action and a behaviour that takes you back to your passion.… Read the rest

Balancer of Energy

There are many sites with many, many advices about “what to do” and “how to do” and “shoulds” and “musts” in the Internet, so-called spiritual sites and others more physically oriented with big lists of  “helpful advices”… (more…)

Follow Your Heart

Ben Stewart, philosopher, musician and producer of the movie Esoteric Agenda speaks in Kymatica (83 min.) about the consciousness of human beings – of the consciousness of each cell – and of all consciouness that exists.  In one part of the movie he speaks about the role of the heart which “generates the strongest rythmic electro-magnetic field in the body”.… Read the rest


How can you accelerate manifestations? By knowing. To “know” opens the heavenly gates so to speaks and lets abundance in. To know, that everything you can imagine is already existing (more…)

Download Heaven

Imagination is the key for the fulfillment of all your desires. What you can imagine is already realized in some area of consciousness and can therefore be downloaded. Imagination is the ability to make your own images – of yourself, of the world, of all events you want to experience.… Read the rest


The emotions that you feel are always and only about your allowing of your energy stream. It’s sort of like plugging the toaster in. If the toaster isn’t plugged in, it doesn’t make toast. If you are not connected to who you really are, Plug inyou don’t feel the joy that is natural to you.… Read the rest

The Art Of Allowing

Feel GoodWhen you lance your rocket of desire the desired state is immediately created. You don’t have to repeat the expression of the desire or murmur endless mantras. You even don’t have to imagine it often, unless the imagination pleases you.What you have to do to allow the manifestation – to bring it down to earth so to speak – is:  feeling good… feeling good… feeling good… which is being in the vortex and behave as if it were already realized.… Read the rest

Fluid Management

The Galactic Federation of Light have transmittet via Sheldan Nidle several exercises for Fluid Management, which is basically without hierarchical structures and where every member of a group or society participates fully.

1. Our first exercise is a simple one that many of you have probably already done.Read the rest

Happy Christmas

The Wall of Betlehem (Banksy)
How would the birth of Christ be today? The holy family could not reach Bethlehem because of the wall and so Joseph, beautiful Mary and the childbirth happens on the foot of the wall. (Image Banksy)

However, the birth of Jesus Christ happened already and it is a symbol for the “new” consciousness which is manifesting now in many, many persons.… Read the rest

Watch Inside

Watch inside does not mean to retire into some cave and deny the outside world. It is rather an awareness that all manifestations are created inside – in consciousness, by thinking, imagination and feeling.  Or, in other words…

Circumstances don’t matter.Read the rest

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