
Bei Online-Diskussionen und auch im “wirklichen Leben” prallen immer wieder zwei Weltbilder aufeinander, die man grob aufteilen kann in den Glauben, dass die physische Welt vom Subjekt unabhängig ist und in den Glauben (more…)

Denken und Glauben

Denken, freies Denken, und Glauben brauchen dringend eine neue Definition, denn die jetzige Handhabung trägt nur zur allgemeinen Verwirrung bei. Denken ist wie Atmen. Man kann es nicht abstellen, auch nicht in Meditationen (more…)

Transitional Governments

This is a channelling of the Galactic Federation of Light through Sheldan Nidle which informs about the state of the art of the actual changements on Earth. They say that this is the final stage before mass landings (more…)

Treaty For Peace

Dr. Carol Rosin released the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty of 2011 during her presentation at the International UFO Congress held last weekend in Scottsdale, Arizona to a standing ovation. (more…)

Precious Moment

So called leaders and other “authorities” are quick in suggesting or even commanding sacrifices for a “better future”. They want to sacrify the present – the only moment that exists – for something that does not exist. And even when one is in the so-called future it is again now.… Read the rest


It is only a question of choice if one is a puppet played by others – authorities, churches, science, politics – or if one is able to choose deliberately desired experiences – without any conditionings… Get off your knees! (more…)

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