Seth: The Pre-Creation Agony

Seth gives an idea of what was before creation or before the Big Bang, so to speak.  Although it is hard to imagine a pre-creation state it is worth to be pondered and as Seth says himself some information might be distorted because of our notion of time… (more…)


Der durchschnittliche Bundesbürger isst rund 150 Tiere pro Jahr. Insgesamt werden in Deutschland 12 Milliarden Tiere gegessen.  Das sind unglaubliche Zahlen. Kein Wunder, dass die Massentierhaltung (more…)

Mangelnder Selbstwert

Der fehlende Selbstwert des Menschen ist nicht nur ein deutsches Phänomen, obwohl die Deutschen nach dem 2. Weltkrieg so gedemütigt worden sind, dass sie vielleicht noch weniger Selbstwert haben, als Menschen anderer Länder. (more…)

The Tribe Of Many Colours – 2012

During her workshop in Zurich early November 2010 Little Grandmother Kiesha Crowther – Shaman of the Tribe Of Many Colours – speaks about 2012, the expected pole shift and how we should prepare ourselves… (more…)

Dancing Gods

Some years ago I made a lot of  flash objects. Just for playing. From time to time I will publish some here. Maybe it is fun for you, too. It is necessary indeed not to be too serious, neither in playing of course nor in life. (more…)

Great Wave – A Zen Story

In the early days of the Meiji era there lived a well-known wrestler called O-nami, Great Waves. O-nami was immensly strong and knew the art of wresting. In his private bouts he defeated even his teacher, but in public was so bashful that his own pupils threw him. (more…)

Terrorgefahr in Deutschland

Innenminister De Maizière sprach vor kurzem über konkrete Hinweise auf Anschlagspläne islamistischer Kreise. Es gebe “Grund zur Sorge, aber keinen Grund zur Hysterie”.  Nun wird über mögliche Ziele dieser Terroristen spekuliert (more…)

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