Only recently I learnt about the Bright Philosophy. The definition of a Bright is “a person whose worldview is naturalistic–free of supernatural and mystical elements. A Bright’s ethics and actions are based on a naturalistic worldview” and “naturalistic” means “conceiving of reality as natural (not supernatural)”. The has a whole set of FAQ about Brights and who is a Bright or how to become a Bright, etc.  Another aspect of the philosophy is

Enbrightenment! This rhetorical expression hearkens to a once promising time on earth when it looked as if science and reason would offer a key to the future. During the period many call the Age of Enlightenment, it was possible to envision a world wherein humankind itself might acquire understanding of nature, gain insight into humanity, make meaning of life, and work for a better and brighter future for all.

To embrighten is to be free from ignorance, prejudice and superstition.

I like the word creation “embrightenment”. I suppose it does mean something similar as enlightenment which means also being free from ignorance, judgement and superstition. It means to lighten up, raising vibrations and by this understanding and seeing clearly.

Concerning superstition… I am not sure what Brights think. I consider most of the certitude of modern man as superstitions, i.e. the primacy of matter over mind. I did not quite find out what a “naturalistic worldview” really means or what is the role of emotions… Are they mainly intellectual or do they consider a more holistic approach to life. And I agree to their understanding of mysticism. There is nothing “mystic” however there is a lack of awareness. And I would agree that churches are unnecessary.

To me it seems that the Bright Philosophy is a kind of  Humanism offering an umbrella organisation for atheists, agnostics, naturalists and rationalists. It is therefore possible to describe oneself as an atheist and also say that one is a Bright, meaning that one is part of the larger Brights movement. I think however that being “naturalistic” or “rational” is not enough. An individual needs all its abilities to understand, abilities like intuition, emotion, imagination or inspiration. And – most of all love which I define as knowledge and appreciation.

Yes – All We Need Is Love

Introducing Follies of the Wise

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