The only thing to make man really and authentically cultured is to bring up children in their innocence, and help their bodies to be healthy and their innocence to be meditative. The child can reach his center very easily because he has nothing to obstruct him, no ideas, no thoughts, no prejudices. He is not Catholic, he is not Hindu; he knows nothing. So when you say, “Go in,” he simply goes in. And the road is clean, because no Bibles, no Korans, no Bhagavadgitas are standing like a China Wall preventing him. Children can learn meditation more easily than anybody else.

So my suggestion in response to your question is that every child is born innocent. Neither barbaric nor a very cultured and religious person — just innocent. And all that the child needs from the parents and the society is not knowledge, but a deepening of innocence. Meditation is the only way of deepening innocence, and if a child grows with his center blossoming you will have for the first time a society which is cultured, a society of the buddhas, the awakened ones. That’s my whole effort here. Osho

Yes, indeed. And it is even not necessary to “teach” children meditation. They do it naturally. Imagination and fantasy is a natural state of being of children. However the actual education does everything to cast out these qualities and replaces it by the mainstream belief systems. So  at the end of all the education – be it by parents, schools or universities – is a conditioned human being who is ignorant about his own power. He lost his innocence.

No wonder that Jesus said: “If anyone causes one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better that a great millstone be hung around your neck, and you were cast into the sea.” Harsh words but until today we “cause all these little ones to stumble”. And the churches which are so eager to repeat and repeat and repeat the teachings of Jesus are within the first to harm the children. So – meditation or imagination is certainely a way out of the actual miserable education system…

Your children came forth pure and eager and knowing that all is well, to try to remind those who have come before them of something that they have forgotten. And so, that’s why the generation gap will always be there. These bright young beings come forth feeling invincible, and their parents, who are not feeling so invincible, spend most of their life, teaching them to feel less and less invincible. And we say, how backwards is that? You’re wanting your children to be empowered. Self-empowered.

That is the greatest gift that a parent can give to a child!  Abraham

Jane Roberts also wrote a very nice story for children: Charmed

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