Dolphin Midwives

A Russian named Igor Charkovsky has been involved in underwater birthing for a long time. He has probably assisted with at least 20,000 underwater births. His daughter, one of the first to be born underwater, was in her twenties, I think, when the following incident took place.… Read the rest

Medical Curses

Seth speaks here about the curses thrown by doctors on their patients – of course with the best intentions. They think they help if they reinforce the feeling of dis-ease. (more…)

Just Relax

If you incorporate a time framework in which you engage a walk, at a point within your walk allow yourself to stop and sit beneath a tree.  In that, as you sit beneath the tree, allow yourself a calmness in which momentarily you focus your attention upon each of your senses, connecting each of those senses with the tree. … Read the rest

Resist NOT Bullies

You know all the “bullies” out there trying to rule the world, enslave people and who think they “know better”. I am speaking of the people of the New World Order – the financiers and politicians in the United States, Europe (more…)

Balancer of Energy

There are many sites with many, many advices about “what to do” and “how to do” and “shoulds” and “musts” in the Internet, so-called spiritual sites and others more physically oriented with big lists of  “helpful advices”… (more…)

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