Dear Ones, as we have told you, the world remakes itself now and whether or not humanity in micro or macro is supportive of expansive change or against it, it is truly a moot point as the inertia of time-chronology speeds past more quickly todaythan it did yesterday in linear sequence. Accordingly will 2011 impel the expedition of light acceleration and your lucid interpretation of consciousness. With this surge your cognitive expression of life, will in-kind shift into higher tempo. You see, all is quickening, time is accelerating as the Ascension draws nigh. So as time reshapes itself it will also reshape the experience of mankind, of visible and invisible forces of nature and that of the face of the Earth itself.

Each Moment Matters

Masters, it is so important that each of you understand and fully realize how truly important each moment you live in these accelerated energies is to the Cosmos, the New Earth and to you. Indeed there is a new energy on this planet, and this energy seeks to now further activate your awareness and light quotient. And Dear Ones, your ability to hold greater light embellishes you ability to express love. Love that begins with Self.

You are beginning to understand how beautiful you truly are, and that Dear Humans, is so important in these Ascending times. You all have within you the power of God, and we call upon you to allow that recognition, that renewed self acceptance, that immaculate LOVE to wash over you. It is your calibrated birthright and it is beautiful. You are rediscovering this ecstasy of Immaculate Love in your meditations, for a transitional expansion is occurring in this new energy. You are now opening to more clearly see how important your lives are, not just to the Earth but to the grand Cosmos as well. Oh yes, this is so true!

You see the vibrations of this deep meditative expansion is over-flowing into the physical realms that you live in…and you made that happen. The veil between dimensions has thinned, and the part of you that is on ‘the other side’ of the veil is tenderly reaching through to touch your heart. And the part of you in higher dimension is the quantum you, the real ‘you’ that is dreaming this profound experience of life. That higher self wants you to know, as do we of the Angelic Realm, how much you are loved, how important and magnificent you truly are. Humans can you fathom this?

You Are On Path

You so often have doubted yourselves. So often felt your lives were headed nowhere. Oh Dear Ones, if you only knew and will accept the truth of what a difference you have made and are continuing to make. There have always been the doubters, the naysayers that said the Ascension would never occur that humanity would not consummate this sacred graduation into higher consciousness. But you have effectuated that achievement, the Ascension is now a certainty. It is manifesting! Indeed it has been for two decades, and most of you do not credit yourselves for navigating it into reality. Many of you still do not realize that the work you have done on both sides of the veil over the past 25 years has changed the earth you were born on into a completely different frequency and paradigm.

You are responsible for it, and mankind does not yet comprehend what you have done or own the credit of this achievement. Masters what you have done is the very reason many of you are now reading these words that are sent from another dimension.

And so allow me to honor you as we speak of the coming year, for you have grown much stronger than you realize. You have taken a quantum leap….and regardless of the calendar days of 2011, what lies ahead of you is indeed a leap year!

This is a message from Metatron channeled by Tyberonn

Content in this session:

2011 The Year Ahead
2011- Mid Point of Trinity Triad
Each Moment Matters
You Are On Path
2011 The Year Ahead
Trinity Triad – Jacobs Ladder
Alpha & Omega
Ascension Triggers
Equinoxes of 2011
Eclipses of 2011
2011- Sacred Sites as Tuning Forks
Potent Entry into 2011
The 11-11-11
The New Firmament Begins in the 2011 Trinity Triad

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