You know that the heart loves and feels, but did you know that the heart also thinks, remembers, communicates with other hearts, helps regulate immunity, and contains stored information that continually pulses through the body? In the Heart’s Code, Dr. Paul Pearsall explains the theory and science behind energy cardiology, the newly emerging field that is uncovering one of the most significant medical, social, and spiritual discoveries of our time. The heart is not just a pump; it conducts the cellular symphony that is the very essence of our being. Pearsall shows that by listening to the subtle energy and wisdom each of us has within our hearts, we can learn valuable lessons for loving, working, playing, praying, and healing. By unlocking the heart’s code we can discover new ways of understanding human healing and consciousness, even as we create a new model for living that leads to better health, happiness, and self-knowledge.

The New Findings About Cellular Memories and Their Role in the Mind/Body/Spirit Connection

  • Energy and information are the same thing. Everything that exists has energy, energy is full of information and stored info-energy is what makes up cellular memories. From the interaction between the tiniest parts within a single cell to the energy bouncing back and forth between the stars and planets, everything exists in a continuous relationship. Since all systems are info-containing energy “stuff”, all systems constantly change memories.
  • What we call mind, consciousness, or our intentions, are really manifestations of info-containing energy. Information is what gives a system its form and structure. Energy is the force or function that moves a system, connects all aspects of a system and helps systems communicate and connect. Since all systems are connected and share forms of the same energy, all systems share common memories.
  • The Heart is the primary generator of info-energy. The heart is constantly sending patterns of energy to regulate organs and cells in the body. Every cell in the body is bathed in the energy. It is thus central to out system’s recollection of its life – its cellular memory.
  • Because we are manifestations of the energy coming to, flowing within and constantly being sent out from our total cellular system, who and how we are is a physical representation of a recovered set of cellular memories. Based on cellular biology, certain molecules have very good memories because they are good at storing complex coded information such as DNA. The cells, in essence, become a holographic representation of our energetic heart. (In Mystical Teachings, the soul is considered to be a holographic piece of the greater whole of God and the Great Unconsciousness).

The Heart’s Code by Paul Pearsall

This book is a recommodation of Bashar

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