Importance of Holding a Positive Vision for Oneself and for Humanity
Wonderful wisdom and guided meditations by Orin, channeled by Sanaya Roman and DaBen, channeled by Duane Packer.I recommand especially the Meditation Room and also the guided meditations in full length. But the whole site is an abundant source of knowledge and beautiful music by Thaddeus…

Never before have so many people joined in prayer and focused their collective will on love, unity, and a better world for all. Even though you may not see the results of your inner work and prayers, they are making a difference. You are preparing the way for a better world for yourself, your children, and for future generations.When disturbing world events occur, use your imagination to picture the eventual positive outcome. Rather than focus on how bad things are, hold a vision of the possibilities of transformation that exist in every area of life. Refuse to live in fear or to energize negative scenarios–do not think of them, imagine them, or worry about them. Every time a negative picture comes into your mind, replace it with a positive vision for humanity.

Eventually the current world situation will resolve into a more stable world and a greater unity among nations. We cannot tell how long this will take, or how easy or difficult the process will be, for you live on a planet of free will. We do see the direction, for the heart centers of humanity are awakening.

Let us Hold a Vision for Humanity

Pick one or more visions to energize with your positive thoughts:
(And create your own visions as well)

  • People everywhere make right decisions, inspired by their higher selves, and carried out skillfully.
  • People are mentally clear, emotionally calm, and spiritually aware.
  • Everyone is in touch with their  creativity, strength, courage, and wisdom.
  • There is an unprecedented level of  cooperation, teamwork, and sharing.
  • Humanity experiences an outpouring of  love, new ideas, and soul connections.
  • There is hope, optimism, and positive visions of the future.
  • People know that the universe is friendly and always working for them.
  • People believe in abundance and are able to create it in their lives.
  • People are supportive of those in need, and are generous with their assistance and sharing.
  • Criticism is replaced with understanding, love, and cooperation.
  • Every light worker becomes a radiating point of  light, hope, inspiration, and courage.
  • People are awakening their light bodies everywhere.
  • Humanity is in alignment with Divine Will.
  • Humanity has enlightened leadership by all people in leadership positions.
  • Boundaries between peoples, nations, and races dissolve.
  • People know their oneness with each other and with the plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms.
  • Isolation turns into community, aloneness into friendships, and separateness into inclusiveness.
  • All people are free to follow and live their higher purpose.
  • Humanity becomes aware of their higher purpose.
  • Each person expands their consciousness,  awakens their true vision,  and evolves all the forms in their lives so they may  carry out the true activity of their souls.
  • People’s personalities become vehicles to carry out their soul’s love, light, and will.
  • All people honor the earth and live in harmony with it and all life upon it.
  • The plan of humanity works out in all its beauty and perfection.

Orin and DaBen

Center of Being

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