Seth About Drugs

Drugs are actually considered as very “bad” and even grass (Marijuana) is condemned as dangerous. And because of this fear hemp i.e. is so much forbidden, that it is even not really used for all its other great properties. Seth speaks here (in excerpts) about drugs and how they act:

Seth: “Now: I am not telling you to go out and get grass [marijuana], but grass is a natural ingredient, and acid [LSD] is not, in your terms.”… Read the rest

Meeting Castaneda

An Interview with Carlos Castaneda in 1972 by Sam Keen

castanedaSAM KEEN: As I followed don Juan through your three books, I suspected, at times, that he was the creation of Carlos Castaneda.  He is almost to good to be true – a wise old Indian whose knowledge of human nature is superior to almost everybody’s.… Read the rest

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