Montalk is a really informative site which covers issues such as Aliens, Conspiracy, Metaphysics, Gnosis or Science. Since I discovered the site I spent quite a lot of time reading the various articles especially about the Greys, Reptilians, Mantids, Nordics, and the general capabilities of aliens.  Below is an excerpt of the Matrix and I would subscribe to his conclusion: All is a question of vibrations…

What is the Matrix? School or prison, depending on your chosen perspective. On the one hand, it is a hyperdimensional teaching system accelerating your rate of spiritual evolution by providing you with catalytic experiences in response to your thoughts, emotions, and spiritual composition. On the other hand, many of these experiences manifest as predatory forces preying upon your weaknesses. Of course, the only way to prevent being manipulated by these forces is to discover, integrate, and transform your weaknesses into strengths, thereby indirectly accomplishing the higher purpose of the Matrix which is to help you transcend it. Nevertheless, these hyperdimensional predatory forces possess freewill and have their own agenda, which is to expand their power base and sustain themselves by feeding upon humanity’s emotional energies as well as keeping anyone from becoming aware enough to add destabilizing influences to the spiritual prison/farm they are running here on earth. The sum total of their hyperdimensional manipulation system can be termed the “Matrix Control System” – a school of hard knocks that weakens the spiritually weak and strengthens the spiritually strong, in accordance with their choice to be victims or warriors.

An later he writes…

While we may not be the source of injustices against us, we are the cause of it. The Matrix, even with its level of imbalance and corruption by those freewill entities who have overstepped their place in nature as catalytic firespitters, is nevertheless still a learning program entirely responsive to our own ignorance and weaknesses. It may be a predator’s choice to attack, but it is our choice to accept the attack and succumb to it. The Matrix Control System can only throw us by the elements within us that correspond to its low vibratory nature. Attacks serve to identify our own weaknesses, thus providing focus for where to take the next step on one’s path of spiritual awakening.

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