You do spend more time than is really good for you responding to the current conditions which means you’re letting the current conditions train your vibration and think about what that means if what is is what you focus on…

  • and what you focus on is what you practise
  • and what you practise is the frequency that you offer
  • and what you offer is what you get back….

Isn’t it sort of a cycle that you might want to consider breaking?

I’m looking at the thing that I don’t want and I’m getting more of it
so I’m looking at it and getting more of it
so I’m looking at it and getting more of it
I’m looking at it and getting more of it

Is there something missing in the explanation?

(Abe speaking from human perspective)
“I see this thing I do not want
and the more I look at it
the more I get of it
so I think I will look at it some more”

And we say the thing that is missing is you have forgotten that

  • you get what you think about
  • you get what you feel about
  • you get what you practise yourself into vibrational accord with

We know it’s much easier to keep thinking a thought you’ve been thinking.
We watch you.  We have offered blocks of thought to Esther for many, many years,
watching her find new words that match those blocks of thought in order to help you,
from the inside out, reorient yourself in this time/space reality
because you become so accustom to feeling the same way that you always felt
when a certain condition or word or conversation is offered to you…

This is an excerpt from the end of the video

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