NO Struggle!

This wonderful message from P’taah is the best you can read while relaxing and chilling in your holidays. “You will never be more perfect than you are in this moment!” as P’taah says…  Who wants more!

Creating Your Reality

There are only Four Laws in Creation:

You exist.
The One is All and the All are One
What you put out is what you get back.
Change is the only constant…
Except for the first three laws, which never change.… Read the rest

Am I Allowing?

Kryon was asked “am I allowing or am I being lazy” and this question is not silly at all. Indeed, sometimes it is difficult to discern what one is doing really deep inside. And there is always the question about the necessity of action “outside”.  … Read the rest

Shifting is the Change

Again a very interesting session with Bashar about how we create reality. What he is saying is that we can never change the world but shift to a parallel reality which represents the change we have made inside. So change is a shifting – an individual shifting – to another reality which then is representative of the “new self”…

Q: It’s really exciting because we have great opportunity like you were saying to turn this mass darkness into light  and so I’m wondering what insights you have, you know is this more….… Read the rest

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