Basics By Seth

Seth, channelled by Jane Roberts, declares that there are several major root assumptions and many minor ones. Below are listed some of the major ones and each of them is a whole science to be explored. (more…)

Alternative Government

Seth, channelled by Jane Roberts, suggests these codicils as alternate hypotheses, as a base for private and  public experience and a new alternative to our present individual and political mass governments.

1. All of creation is sacred and alive, each part connected to each other part, and each communicating in a creative cooperative commerce in which the smallest and the largest are equally involved.

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Alternative Government

Seth, channelled by Jane Roberts, suggests these codicils as alternate hypotheses, as a base for private and  public experience and a new alternative to our present individual and political mass governments.

1. All of creation is sacred and alive, each part connected to each other part, and each communicating in a creative cooperative commerce in which the smallest and the largest are equally involved.

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Seths Maximen

Etwas, an das man sich in jedem Augenblick erinnern sollte, ist, dass die Zukunft im Jetzt gemacht wird, und dass “dort” nur geschehen kann, was man im Jetzt pflanzt – was im Jetzt kultiviert wird. Seths Maximen drücken dies kurz und bündig aus…

  • Ich werde mich selbst, meine Charakterzüge, meine Fähigkeiten, meine Neigungen und Abneigungen, meine positiven und negativen Einstellungen bejahen, denn ich sehe ein, daß sie meine einzigartige Individualität ausmachen.
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