Kryon about Animals

In this highly interesting channelling about The Akashic System Kryon, channelled by Lee Carrol speaks about animals and how they offer themselves as food for humanity.

But there is this most important question: How do we treat them?


I speak of the precious animals all the time and how they’re here to service humanity and how they do it so completely.

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Am I Allowing?

Kryon was asked “am I allowing or am I being lazy” and this question is not silly at all. Indeed, sometimes it is difficult to discern what one is doing really deep inside. And there is always the question about the necessity of action “outside”.  … Read the rest

Kryon -The Recalibration of Free Choice

I appreciate very much Kryon’s channelling about The Recalibration of the Human Being which I published already. In this video Kryon speaks about the recalibration of free choice and it is as interesting as all the other sessions about recalibration. What could be more thrilling than free choice?… Read the rest

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