Be Real!

Always remember, no matter what you are doing, observe whether your center is involved in it or not, because if it is not involved it is better not to do a thing. Don’t do it! No one is forcing you to do anything.… Read the rest

Watch Inside

Watch inside does not mean to retire into some cave and deny the outside world. It is rather an awareness that all manifestations are created inside – in consciousness, by thinking, imagination and feeling.  Or, in other words…

Circumstances don’t matter.Read the rest

I Dreamt I Was Sleeping


I dreamt I was sleeping of times as they were
I dreamt I was sleeping with laughter and tear
I dreamt I was sleeping of all I could be
I dreamt I was sleeping across the great See

Wake up, wake up’ I heard from within
Wake up, wake up, so life can begin
Wake up, wake up, to sleep is a lie
Wake up, wake up, for the God, it is I


Adamus Saint-Germain is the Professor, Master and Teacher from the Crimson Council
who delivers workshops and curriculum through Geoffrey Hoppe

Extraordinary Torchbearers

This is the P’taah Message of December where he calls humans as extraordinary torchbearers, as Gods and Godesses playing a game called Human Life. Unfortunately this game is deeply infected by fear  which is – together with guilt – the opposite of  love.… Read the rest

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