The Body Cells

All manifestations come from vibrational patterns which one could call also belief systems. And there is only one way to change unwanted patterns… By going back into the vortex or in other words…  by choosing different beliefs to be able to be joyful, feel good and even being exstatic..… Read the rest


Most rarely people align with their true power, because it seems illogical to them that there is power in relaxation, in letting go, or in love or joy or bliss. Most people do not understand that their true power lies in releasing resistance (more…)

A propos Religionen…

In jüngster Zeit gibt es viele Diskussionen über die “Leitkultur” in Deutschland und darüber, dass sich die Einwanderer dieser anpassen sollen. Offensichtlich ist mit dieser Leitkultur irgendwie das Christentum gemeint (more…)

Höre Es!

Alles in unserer Gesellschaft sagt und erinnert uns, dass wir begrenzte, alternde “Kreaturen” sind, die in einer harten und gnadenlosen Welt zwischen Glück und Schicksal leben.Die Wahrheit ist jedoch (more…)

You Are Creators

You are Creators of Worlds. You didn’t come to create trucks and stuff. You are Creators of Worlds. You are Creators of concepts. You are Creators of people living together in joyous harmony. (more…)

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