
The birds of your planet are often messengers or translators of Non-Physical Energy; all beasts are, to a certain extent. But the birds of your planet are used often in that way. Non-Physical Energy, wanting to express something to physical, (more…)

How Dolphins Perceive

In his session 3021, which deals about Senses, Creation and the Universe, Elias speaks about how dolphins perceive compared to humans. As they have a wider range of  vibrational perception they see more of an object as humans do and they even hear the object, because everything is moving even if it seems to be stationary.… Read the rest

The Eyes Of God

Bashar answers a question about animal consciousness and what it means for human beings and what happens, when animals die. I guess he speaks mainly about pets, although it concerns all animals in a certain way. (more…)

Animal Love

I guess most people know by now that animals feel, have emotions, and are not only a “thing”. Although this knowledge is widespread we still eat them and worse, keep most of them in horrible conditons. (more…)

Hunting [Sport]

A very important aspect of Animal Rights is hunting which is still considered as a sport. The hunters in Europe claim that there would be too much game animals if they where not hunting. I cannot prove if this is right (more…)

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