
Some time ago I saw a part of a movie about Queen Victoria and how she became queen at a very young age. She had some trouble to slip into her new role and had also doubts that she could be really a queen. (more…)

How Dolphins Perceive

In his session 3021, which deals about Senses, Creation and the Universe, Elias speaks about how dolphins perceive compared to humans. As they have a wider range of  vibrational perception they see more of an object as humans do and they even hear the object, because everything is moving even if it seems to be stationary.… Read the rest

Seth: The Pre-Creation Agony

Seth gives an idea of what was before creation or before the Big Bang, so to speak.  Although it is hard to imagine a pre-creation state it is worth to be pondered and as Seth says himself some information might be distorted because of our notion of time… (more…)

You Are Creators

You are Creators of Worlds. You didn’t come to create trucks and stuff. You are Creators of Worlds. You are Creators of concepts. You are Creators of people living together in joyous harmony. (more…)

Just Be Happy!

Everybody can decide deliberately to be happy, whatever happiness one chooses. No need to wait for outer circumstances. Happiness is created from inside out!

It’s not about creating that reality, it’s really about attracting that reality. Everything already exists, it was already done by Creation, you don’t have to do it again. 

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