Feelings Now

In his Audio Session 3051 Elias explores the actual wave of feelings which is is addressing to creation and is addressing to senses and these are very interconnected with  feelings. They trigger feelings. (more…)

Kryon about Animals

In this highly interesting channelling about The Akashic System Kryon, channelled by Lee Carrol speaks about animals and how they offer themselves as food for humanity.

But there is this most important question: How do we treat them?


I speak of the precious animals all the time and how they’re here to service humanity and how they do it so completely.

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The Fresh Food Diet

Ascended Master Saint Germain, channeled by Aruna talks about which food one can eat to be healthy. It is not a short-term “diet” but a continuous change to better food. He recommends all the food that Hildegard von Bingen recommended also already in the 12th century.… Read the rest

The Fresh Food Diet

Ascended Master Saint Germain, channeled by Aruna talks about which food one can eat to be healthy. It is not a short-term “diet” but a continuous change to better food. He recommends all the food that Hildegard von Bingen recommended also already in the 12th century.… Read the rest

Sacred Food

Sarah Pope speaks in this video about traditional “sacred”  food that has been widely demonized by the food industries as well as by doctors. Eating butter, eggs or coconut oil is healthy and cholesterine is necessary, especially for young and old people.… Read the rest

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