Treaty For Peace

Dr. Carol Rosin released the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty of 2011 during her presentation at the International UFO Congress held last weekend in Scottsdale, Arizona to a standing ovation. (more…)

How To Take Action

Bashar talks in this video about how to take action to realize visions and desires. It breaks down to feel it and BEHAVE as the person you envision to be. “We are urging you strongly to actually take action (more…)

The Tribe Of Many Colours – 2012

During her workshop in Zurich early November 2010 Little Grandmother Kiesha Crowther – Shaman of the Tribe Of Many Colours – speaks about 2012, the expected pole shift and how we should prepare ourselves… (more…)

10.10.10 Portal

Dolphins and Whales are the living memories of our galactic origin. Bashar once mentionned that their songs help to keep the vibration of Earth in balance… Video with beautiful Music by Kamal, Reiki Whale


Harmonizing Frequencies

You do spend more time than is really good for you responding to the current conditions which means you’re letting the current conditions train your vibration (more…)

Learning From Inside Out

Learning from inside outSraddhalu Ranade, a scientist at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, speaks about how to educate the whole person. While the current educational system has its roots in the industrial age and a mechanical mindset, the converging crises of our time call for a new, more holistic approach to learning that supports the unfolding of and integration around each person’s deepest potential.… Read the rest

Abraham-Hicks: Dementia Explained

This Abraham-Hicks recording is the best explanation I’ve ever heard for Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Dementia is just a tool – a choice and a permission slip – to make the transition from physical to non-physical life in an easy way. The frustration that people with dementia often show comes from the family that want them to focus as they do.… Read the rest

15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy

This is a quasi complete list of the most impeding things to get rid of  if one wants to be happy and enlightened – so to speak.

1. Give up your need to always be right. There are so many of us who can’t stand the idea of being wrong – wanting to always be right – even at the risk of ending great relationships or causing a great deal of stress and pain, for us and for others.… Read the rest

Strange Sounds in the Sky explained by Scientist

Maybe you would like to know also more about the strange sounds that have been recently heard around the world. Some people even call them “The Sound of the Apocalypse”. Dr. Prof. Elchin Khalilov has now given an interview where he develops some theories about these sounds which are very loud although most of them lie in the infrasound range and cannot even be heard by Humans.… Read the rest

Bashar – To Transform The Ego Mind

In these videos Bashar explains how to deal with the Ego mind. He suggests to make a contract with it, physically sit down and write a contract about the competence of the ego of what it can handle and what it cannot handle and have to let the expanded mind do.… Read the rest

Sacred Food

Sarah Pope speaks in this video about traditional “sacred”  food that has been widely demonized by the food industries as well as by doctors. Eating butter, eggs or coconut oil is healthy and cholesterine is necessary, especially for young and old people.… Read the rest


2012 raises a lot of questions and fears. People ridicule the shift or are very anxious about the “end of the world”. Both attitudes are not very helpful in understanding the shift of consciousness which accelerates dramatically this year and with dramatically I mean in a very rapid way.… Read the rest


2012 raises a lot of questions and fears. People ridicule the shift or are very anxious about the “end of the world”. Both attitudes are not very helpful in understanding the shift of consciousness which accelerates dramatically this year and with dramatically I mean in a very rapid way.… Read the rest


This is a documentary which was filmed using aerial shots in 54 different countries, beautiful images from Earth in High Resolution. So far it is perfect. Unfortunately it contains predictions from “scientists” saying “that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth’s climate”.… Read the rest

Parallel Realities

Parallel Realities

In each moment you shift through billions of parallel realities. In fact, that’s what time is. The illusion we call time is our consciousness shifting billions of time – per second – from static parallel reality to static parallel reality and that creates the illusion of movement and of time.… Read the rest

The Green Beautiful

This is a very beautiful awakened movie made by Coline Serreau with the original title “La Belle Verte” and shows the beauty of Earth and how to be in harmony with nature. And it is about love and compassion – the two states of being the most necessary now…

[youtube][/youtube]… Read the rest

Vortex First

 Into the vortexVortex first, then manifestations are flowing…  Abraham Hicks, channelled by Esther Hicks speaks about how to fulfill your desires easily. Instant manifestation comes closer and closer as we move towards 2012 where the energy will skip into the positive. Of course it could be done right now if the vibrations are pure and not flawed by resistance…



THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s really going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. (more…)

Download Heaven

This is a highly interesting video where Bashar explains the mechanism of how information is received from the higher self  and how it is transmitted to the personality construct via the pineal gland (more…)

Ascension With Inelia Benz

In this fascinating interview, Inelia Benz talks to Project Avalon’s Bill Ryan about her life and her mission to this planet. It’s an extraordinary story, and many people who have seen this video have been very moved and inspired. (more…)

Slipping Out Of The Mind

Meditation is not a solution of any problem in particular; it solves nothing. It simply helps you to get rid of the mind, the problem-creator. It simply helps you to slip out of the mind like a snake slips out of the old skin. (more…)

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