How To Take Action

Bashar talks in this video about how to take action to realize visions and desires. It breaks down to feel it and BEHAVE as the person you envision to be. “We are urging you strongly to actually take action (more…)

About Magick

There is no universally agreed-upon definition of magick. In the broadest sense, Magick is any act designed to cause intentional change. One popular definition is “the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will” (more…)

Real Believing

I didn’t publish a lot about Neville Goddard recently, although he is one of the great teachers of the last century. He specially focused on the interpretation of the Gospels – bright interpretations in my opinion. (more…)

List For Happiness

Wondered Out Loud made a short list of the important things to do on the way to enlightenment or just a happy life. Maybe it is the same… Anyway, the most important thing is deliberate thinking and feeling and appreciation for everything… (more…)

How Dolphins Perceive

In his session 3021, which deals about Senses, Creation and the Universe, Elias speaks about how dolphins perceive compared to humans. As they have a wider range of  vibrational perception they see more of an object as humans do and they even hear the object, because everything is moving even if it seems to be stationary.… Read the rest

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