Little Secret

Elias offers here another kind of “secret”. In reality he is making fun of people’s greed for paper, as he calls it, for paper money. I think what he is telling here is that creating i.e. money must be as naturally as buying milk in the store. (more…)

Neville Goddard: Feeling is the Secret

Recently, I asked a very successful businessman his formula for success. He laughed and was a little embarrassed. Then he replied, “I guess it’s just because I can’t conceive of failure. It’s nothing that I think about much. It’s more a feeling that I have.”


His statement coincided completely with my own beliefs and experiments. We can think about something forever and never see it in our world, but once let us feel its reality, and we are bound to encounter it. The more intensely we feel, the sooner we will encounter it. We all regard feelings far too much as effects, and not sufficiently as causes of the events of the day. Feeling is not only the result of our conditions of life, it is also the creator of those conditions. We say we are happy because we are well, not realizing that the process will work equally well in the reverse direction. We are well because we are happy. We are all far too Extend your feelers, trust your touch, participate in all flights of your imaginations and be not afraid of your own sensitivities.undisciplined in our feelings. To be joyful for another is to bless ourselves as well as him. To be angry with another is to punish ourselves for his fault. The distressed mind stays at home though the body travels to the ends of the earth, while the happy mind travels though the body remains at home.


The Secret Behind The Secret

Act on your passion and don’t forget, you must also be passionate about being passionate.
Never give up when negative thoughts look around.

Use your imagination:

Create a situation,  an action and a behaviour that takes you back to your passion.… Read the rest

Inspiration vs. Motivation

Inspiration vs. Motivation

Inspiration kommt von innen. Es ist das Licht, das in dir brennt, im Gegensatz zu Motivation, das nur ein Tun ist, weil, wenn du es nicht tust, es negative Konsequenzen geben wird. Motivation lässt mich etwas tun, das ich nicht wirklich machen will.

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