About Magick

There is no universally agreed-upon definition of magick. In the broadest sense, Magick is any act designed to cause intentional change. One popular definition is “the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will” (more…)

Just Do It !

This well-known scene with Luke Skywalker where Yoda raises the spaceship by pure mental power is a good demonstration of real human power. I know, it is hard to believe that’s why some practice is necessary until it works… (more…)


Taste!  Smell!  Listen!  Touch! Use your five senses to be more aware of your world, which is you. Take i.e. a bird’s perspective or view things by an ant’s view. Or as Marcel Proust said: (more…)

Indulging your imagination

Frank Butterfield is a channel for the collection of non-physical entities who speak with a single, gentle voice named Paul. “Communion of Light” refers to the experience that we have when we connect with these beings of light.  (more…)

What Is Magick?

Magick is only a focusing of the energy.  A follower of the ways of Magick uses spells, rituals and ceremonies for one thing only : To harness the energy and power of the Mind, to act as a mental “magnifying glass” (more…)

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