The Silent Prayer

This is a beautiful interpretation of the Silent Prayer by Tobias who is channelled by Geoffrey Hoppe from the  Crimson Circle Shaumbra. It is about accepting the own perfect Being and the greatness of  each being – here and in the Universe…

[youtube][/youtube]… Read the rest

What is Channeling?

I have bought “Opening to Channel”, the excellent book by Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer, in which they – or rather their channeled beings Orin and DaBen – teach how to connect with the own guide and how to do Conscious Channeling. … Read the rest

The Creative Mechanism

CreativeThe creative mechanism is activated as you give birth to a thought (or imagination) that does NOT evaluate:

  • The rightness or wrongness the positveness or the negativeness
  • the goodness or badness of any of it…
  • but goes to work immediately in the creation of that which you have set into motion through your thought.
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Distraction is a very powerful tool to interrupt unloved patterns. Instead of continuing to struggle with duties – shoulds and musts – it would be more effective to go shopping,  doing a walk, watch a movie or anything else pleasurable to find new perspectives.… Read the rest

Elias and the Shift in Consciousness

Mary Ennis channeling EliasElias is an energy personality essence who speaks profoundly about the ongoing shift in consciousness. In my opinion his teachings are the most valuable information one can get about what happens now and what will happen in the future. Good things will happen, because the individual will direct himself  – intentionally without limitations and all the “leaders” and other authority figures will fade away.… Read the rest

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