Exercise To Release Fear

In Session 2189 Elias talks to a person who is shaken by fear. Before he continued the session Elias suggested this little exercise to release some of the fear and to reach enough relaxation of energy to be able to go on… (more…)

Little Secret

Elias offers here another kind of “secret”. In reality he is making fun of people’s greed for paper, as he calls it, for paper money. I think what he is telling here is that creating i.e. money must be as naturally as buying milk in the store. (more…)

Feelings Now

In his Audio Session 3051 Elias explores the actual wave of feelings which is is addressing to creation and is addressing to senses and these are very interconnected with  feelings. They trigger feelings. (more…)

Denken und Glauben

Denken, freies Denken, und Glauben brauchen dringend eine neue Definition, denn die jetzige Handhabung trägt nur zur allgemeinen Verwirrung bei. Denken ist wie Atmen. Man kann es nicht abstellen, auch nicht in Meditationen (more…)

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