99 % Inspiration
1% Transpiration



Resonance of the Land

Bashar speaks about the location as a projection and as un important part of what oneself deems to be. Location is within, as he says. This explains why some locations make happy and some locations make one feel uncomfortable. In another context he said: “Frequency is a property of the location.” Something to think about…

Creating Your Reality

There are only Four Laws in Creation:

You exist.
The One is All and the All are One
What you put out is what you get back.
Change is the only constant…
Except for the first three laws, which never change.

About The Economic Crisis

About The Economic Crisis

Is there such a thing as an economic cycle? Is there a natural law to economics, like summer is summer, and fall is fall? Abraham: Your economics are, in terms of your individual success,your exposure to contrast which gives you your idea of...

Die Magie von Franz Bardon

Die Magie von Franz Bardon

Franz Bardon, eigentlich František Bardon (1909-1958), ist ein besonders im deutschen Sprachraum bekannter tschechischer Okkultist, der in seinem Hauptwerk "Der Weg zum Wahren Adepten" ein interessantes System zur Ausbildung spezieller Fähigkeiten...

About Reptilians

Reptilians are "in" actually, in symbolism like vampires, demons an alike.  Bashar gives here a short overview about this race and their characteristics... Q: Do reptilian extraterrestrials have the power to take over here? Bashar: No. Q: It seems...

Verspielte Visualisierung

Verspielte Visualisierung

Lass' mich dir eine verspielte Visualisierung anbieten. Du kannst alle diese Ablenkungen und Szenarios, die du hast, als Vögel visualisieren. Du bist in der Mitte eines Raumes. In diesem Raum bist du der zentrale Faktor und überall um dich herum...

Phi Crystals – The Philosopher’s Stone

Phi Crystals – The Philosopher’s Stone

Crystals cut into sacred Phi angles are capable of many things, most of which are beyond the current understanding of the masses of humankind within polarity consciousness. You see these crystals exist above the spectrum of your visible light, well...

About The Physical Universe

About The Physical Universe

You have in your civilization, what is called a particular story, you may call it a joke... we will relate it to you:  You have what you call an individual, who in your terms says, that they believe in the power of God, and that they do not need to...

Anhängsel und Assoziationen

Anhängsel und Assoziationen

Eure wirkliche Identität ist die, die von all den Anhängseln befreit ist, von denen ihr glaubt, sie seien Teile eurer Identität, aber es nicht sind. Und was ist ein Anhängsel eurer Identität? Ein Anhängsel ist mit euren Erfahrungen verknüpft,...

Betlehem 2009

Betlehem 2009

Personal power is not necessarily something you use to control others nor do you use it to control your environment or yourself. It is, however, or rather, something you use to focus your thoughts, discipline your awareness and present facets of...

Kryon – Review Of 2009

Kryon speaks about the year 2009 as a year of conflict, a year of strife – at the outside as well as on the inside with many turbulences of energetic nature. But he tells of course, how to change and to end the struggle. There will be more...

Wisdom from Sri Aurobindo

Wisdom from Sri Aurobindo

Some interesting aphorism by Sri Aurobindo and each definition he gives is poetic and wise.  Something to think about... 1. There are two allied powers in man; knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is so much of the truth seen in a distorted medium as...

Chaotische Zeiten

Chaotische Zeiten

Über die "menschenverschuldete Klimakatastrophe" Wir leben jetzt in einer Zeit, in der wir mit Riesenschritten in's Chaos übergehen, sozusagen, wobei ich Chaos als einen so hohen Ordnungsgrad definiere, dass er für Menschen als verwirrende und...

The Threshold Of 2012

The Threshold Of 2012

Bashar answers questions about 2012 and explains from his view point that it is a threshold to the dominance on positive energy on earth and it is not a "majority" which realizes this very important step of humanity, but relatively few individuals....

Innovation in Education?

Innovation in Education?

Innovation in Education means first to be able to manage oneself: Being aware of each thought one is thinking Being aware of each emotion one is feeling Being aware of all experiences and how they relate to thinking and feeling These are the basic...



Es  gibt es immer mehr Beweise, dass  Tiere - auch die wilden Tiere - Freunde des Menschen sind. Daher erscheint es mir immer seltsamer, dass Tiere geschlachtet und gegessen werden. Das gilt auch für die ganz "normalen" Nutztiere, die, wie jeder...

Klimagipfel in Kopenhagen

Klimagipfel in Kopenhagen

Was bringt der Klimagipfel in Kopenhagen? Er ist, wie öffentlich z.B. durch van Rompuy angekündigt, den Beginn der "Weltherrschaft". Die aufgrund von manipulierten Daten "bedrohliche" Klimaveränderung ist dabei einer der stärksten Hebel, um andere...

Die oberste Prioriät

Die oberste Prioriät

Was ist die erste und oberste Priorität im Leben? Du! Punkt. Die Gesellschaft will natürlich nicht, dass du dich an erster Stelle siehst. Das ist egoistisch. Aber Egoismus ist gut! Solange man sich nicht an die erste Stelle stellt, kann man auch...

Revolution Evolution

Revolution Evolution

Take me literally. You are your own universe. You are your own reality. You vibrate to ideas. Ideas vibrating to your level become the reality you experience. Now, if you were, in your terms, the only one to vibrate at the level where you did not...

Nützliche Idioten

Die EU hat jetzt also mindestens zwei "nützliche Idioten"  in geheimer, vollkommen undemokratischer Wahl an die Spitze gewählt: Als Präsident den Belgier Herman van Rompuy und als Außenministerin die britische Baronin Catherine Ashton.Die beiden...

Mehr Liebe in Europa

Mehr Liebe in Europa

Die wunderschöne Idee von einem vereinten Europa hat sich eher in einen Alptraum verwandelt, ein Alptraum aus Diktatur und Polizeistaat. Das ist natürlich eine Projektion der Ängste vieler Menschen, welche sich auf die Aussagen von Autoritäten...



Roland Emmerichs neuer Film 2012 bedient wie alle seine Filme die tiefsten Ängste vieler Menschen, nämlich vernichtet zu werden und packt diese Vernichtung in ein Weltuntergangsszenario, das auf dem Kalender der Maya basiert, der 2012 endet. Diese...

Bashar Teleconference

Bashar Teleconference

Last weekend I attended via phone a Bashar Seminar in Los Angeles, dealing with belief systems and how to detect them. The highlight of the seminar was a Holotope Experience, a kind of guided imagination to open the channel to the expanded self and...

Independence vs. Freedom

Independence vs. Freedom

Generally speaking independence is considered the same as freedom. However Elias defines independance in a totally different way and I must say, although I never really thought about this until these days, it becomes very clear what independence...

The Weather

There are many parts contained in it which we did not spend much time devoted to. Part will deal with your present situation of your planetary condition and weather. You are struck by the unusualness of your present weather conditions. At the same...

Consumer Society

Consumer Society

Since a certain time the media - as well as our unwise "leaders" and of course the economy "experts" - do not speak anymore of human beings or only citizens, they speak of consumers.  Humans have become only a marketing goal, buying all the...

Vergebung und Versöhnung

Vergebung und Versöhnung

Wir Menschen haben so viele verworrene Konzepte über die Wirklichkeit, über Täter und Opfer, die zu endlosen Streitereien, Drama und Leiden führen, die ihren Höhepunkt in zahllosen barbarischen Kriegen finden. Wir zerfleischen uns selbst, in dem...

What Skills Do I Need?

What Skills Do I Need?

In modern educational systems, be it High School, Gymnasium or University, students no longer study universal knowledge so to speak but are rather educated to be specalists. Education has become a kind of apprenticeship to shovel personnel into the...

Hass Gesetze

Hass Gesetze

Die USA hat ein neues "Hass Gesetz" verabschiedet, das Minderheiten wie Schwule, Juden, Latinos u.ä. schützen soll. Wer diese Minderheiten auf irgendeine Art auch nur kritisiert, wird ernsthaft bestraft. Jeder kritische Gedanken ist eine Straftat...

Super Rich A Separate Species

Super Rich A Separate Species

The super-rich may evolve into a separate species entirely in the future due to enhancements in biotechnology and robotic engineering, American futurologist Paul Saffo has said. "In the future people will be able to grow their own replacement...

Spells or Affirmations

Spells or Affirmations

Spells have always been part of witchcraft and are considerd by modern man as superstition. However, spells work, especially for the own purposes because what you believe manifests. So it is better to know your "spells" which are called nowadays...



Am Anfang war das Wort... ein beschwörender Satz, der deutlich die Macht des Wortes aufzeigt. Die Worte drücken das aus, was ein Mensch glaubt oder was er glauben will, wie im Fall der Beschwörungen und Zaubersprüche . Heute würde man dazu eher...

Stell Dir Vor…

Stell Dir Vor…

Immer wieder wichtig: Einige Tipps zur Meditation oder Imagination, denn das Universum unterscheidet nicht, ob du imaginierst oder auf ein physischer Ereignis fokussierst... Es ist wichtig, jeden Tag zu meditieren (imaginieren) Dazu braucht man...

Dolphin Midwives

Dolphin Midwives

A Russian named Igor Charkovsky has been involved in underwater birthing for a long time. He has probably assisted with at least 20,000 underwater births. His daughter, one of the first to be born underwater, was in her twenties, I think, when the...

Visualization Of Focusing

Visualization Of Focusing

Being able to focus is very important to canalize energies to a desired manifestation. Elias offers in his Session 1810 a visualization to understand focusing and to practice it effortlessly. The birds are symbols of beliefs and the question is:...

A Time Of Transparency

A message from The Council of 12 channeled by Selacia Wednesday, 30 September, 2009 about probabilities for the year 2010 In the year 2010, it will become harder to hide truth. The walls that separate fact from fiction will weaken under the force...

Wer die Wahl hat…

Wer die Wahl hat…

hat scheinbar nicht immer die Qual oder anders gesagt, macht sich wenig Gedanken über seine Entscheidung. So scheint es jedenfalls zu sein, jetzt, nach dem die Bundestagswahl 2009 vorbei ist. Die Deutschen haben eine "bürgerliche" Mehrheit gewählt...

State Of Being

State Of Being

This is a brilliant explanation of what the buddhist philosophy probably means with desirelessness which mean that the suffering of life can be ended only by halting the process of desiring. Abraham says that desire is natural and that it is even...

Medical Curses

Medical Curses

Seth speaks here about the curses thrown by doctors on their patients - of course with the best intentions. They think they help if they reinforce the feeling of dis-ease. In reality they rather freeze a more or less momentary issue and make an...

Meditations For Children

Meditations For Children

Parents have in some cases overwhelmed their kids with so many new and different endeavors that they have not had the opportunity to learn how to repose. Contrary to our society's energetic values, meditation can actually create a renewed sense of...

Ramthas Trinkspruch

Vom Herrn und Gott meines Seins auf die Herrlichkeit Gottes auf diesen heutigen Tag. Erkenne meine persönlichen Bedürfnisse, auf dass sie sich in meinem Leben manifestieren. Und schenke mir den Mut, sie anzunehmen. Auf das Leben. In Ewigkeit, für...

Kooperation: Ja! Opfer: Nein!

Kooperation: Ja! Opfer: Nein!

Der Opfergedanke geistert wieder durch das Bewusstsein vieler Menschen, vor allem der Politiker, welche ihn selbstverständlich nur für "das Volk" vorgesehen haben. Auch das allseits präsente "Wir" bedeutet in letzter Konsequenz die Unterwerfung,das...



Autumn eve — please turn to me. I, too, am a stranger.  Basho Zen is an effort to make you fully aware of your strangeness. This will give you freedom from the crowd. This will give you a sense of being yourself, a deep intensity of consciousness...



"...der Mensch ist leider nicht uneigenützig" Das oder so ähnlich lese ich ständig in vielen Foren. Vielleicht sollte man zuerst einmal den Begriff "eigennützig" klären. Es ist natürlich, dass der Mensch "eigen-nützig" ist. Es wäre sogar sehr...



Some interesting notes from the teleconference of  Bashar, hold on August 29 in Sedona: You can create your own ship. The SS Relationship. It is a relationship with yourselves. A harmonious relationship between the physical mind and higher mind....



A very interesting interview with Harvard Professor of Psychology Ellen J. Langer where she speaks about her new book Counter Clockwise: Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility and how mindfulness and self-responsability can lead to better...

Seth Speaks About Mass Media

Seth Speaks About Mass Media

Now: in basic terms you form your reality, privately and en mass-through your beliefs, of course, and those beliefs cause you to organize your psychic world in certain fashions. You use such belief organizations to concentrate upon certain data and...

Kunst und Kultur

Kunst und Kultur

Kunst und Kultur sind die wichtigsten Aspekte einer Gesellschaft und des einzelnen Menschen, obwohl sie immer noch als schöngeistige Spielerei betrachtet werden – nicht wirklich wichtig für das praktische Leben. Deshalb zuerst einmal meine...

Sag es laut

Sag es laut

Elias hat in einer seiner Sitzungen über ein weiteres fantastisches mentales und physisches Werkzeug gesprochen: Die Stimme. Wenn man die Intentionen und Wünsche laut ausspricht, hat das eine größere und schnellere Wirkung, als wenn man sie nur...

Stromaufwärts – Stromabwärts

Stromaufwärts – Stromabwärts

Wenn ich längere Zeit autofahre, höre ich gerne CDs von meinen gechannelten Freunden. So hörte ich vor kurzem Abraham-Hicks fantastische CD  "Let your feelings be your guide",  in der er davon spricht, wie man die Emotionen steuern und  "Die Kunst...

Upstream – Downstream

When driving for a longer time I like to listen to CDs of my channelled friends. So the last time I listened to Abraham's fantastic The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide  where he speaks about how to use emotions and...

Just Relax

If you incorporate a time framework in which you engage a walk, at a point within your walk allow yourself to stop and sit beneath a tree.  In that, as you sit beneath the tree, allow yourself a calmness in which momentarily you focus your...



The more that you allow yourself that freedom to be uniquely you and to express yourself in your creativity, in your passion of it, the more you express your own unique excellence.

Resist NOT Bullies

Resist NOT Bullies

You know all the "bullies" out there trying to rule the world, enslave people and who think they "know better". I am speaking of the people of the New World Order - the financiers and politicians in the United States, Europe and of course Israel, ...

Die Galaktische Föderation des Lichts

Die Galaktische Föderation des Lichts

Offizieller Internet-Auftritt im deutschsprachigen Raum für Sheldan Nidle und die Galaktische Föderation des Lichts Die Galaktische Föderation des Lichts, gechannelt von Sheldan Nidle, hat jetzt auch eine deutsche Website. Es gibt unter Aktuelles...

Aufklärung und Bildung

Aufklärung und Bildung

Wenn jetzt dann keine Auf-kärung - also mehr Wissen - stattfindet, werden die unangenehmen Zustände, die jetzt in großen Teilen der Welt herrschen, noch unangenehmer. Das muss allerdings keine zwangsläufige Entwicklung sein, gewissermaßen eine...

Emergency Kit

Emergency Kit

Seth, channelled by Jane Roberts, gives here very good advice on how to act in case of emergency. It is an excerpt from his book Seth - The Way Toward Health: A Seth Book, one of the fantastic and inspiring Seth Books, written in 1984. A Must-Read...

Neue Kornkreise im Juli

Neue Kornkreise im Juli

Juli ist vielleicht der Höhepunkt der Kornkreissaison und zuverlässig sind komplexe Formationen entstanden, die meisten davon in England. Allein 3 sehr schöne Kornkreise gibt oder gab es bei Silbury Hill, ein ca. 4600-4700 Jahre...

Sexual Chemistry

Relationships - sexual relationships - are a big issue for most humans in the world and the question is: Why am I attracted more to this or that person and not to another. Abraham answers these questions and by understanding it one can more easily...



"Wer mir einen Glauben geben will ist mein Feind", so sagte Osho einst und ich verstehe ihn sehr gut. Man ist umgeben von Menschen, die einem ihre Glaubenssätze aufdrücken wollen - und das nicht nur in den diversen Kirchen. In der Politik erleben...

How To See Energy Fields

How To See Energy Fields

What I appreciate so much with my dog is that she not only reflects my own behaviour but that she is never ever judging me. She is always accepting and loving and by being as she is she is a wonderful teacher. In this session 2227 Elias continues...

Zensur wohin das Auge blickt

Zensur wohin das Auge blickt

Das zentralasiatische Land Kasachstan hat aus Angst vor Kritik durch Regierungsgegnern eine Internet-Zensur eingeführt. Der autoritäre Präsident Nursultan Nasarbajew unterzeichnete ein Gesetz, nach dem etwa Meinungsbeiträge in Blogs und Chats unter...

Das Geschenk

Das Geschenk

Keine einzige gute Nachricht in den Medien - nur Schwarze Messen... Deshalb veröffentliche ich diese kleine Geschichte, die ein Beispiel ist, wie Liebe - Wissen und Wertschätzung - alles überwinden kann, auch die aktuelle extrem menschenfeindliche...

Die ewige Ruhe

Die ewige Ruhe

Die Trauerfeier von Michael Jackson brachte sie mal wieder ans Tageslicht, die "ewige Ruhe". Viele der Redner und Sänger und sonstigen Betroffenen wünschten ihm penetrant die "ewige Ruhe".  Diese Trauerverantstaltung vor leerem Sarg war so...

Über das Lachen

Über das Lachen

Chief Joseph spricht hier über die Wirksamkeit des Lachens als starkes mentales Werkzeug, um sich gut zu fühlen... Es klingt so einfach, aber sich gut zu fühlen, vor allem sich mit sich selbst gut zu fühlen,  ist das "Geheimnis" für alles, was man...

Daily Inspirations

Daily Inspirations

If you want to receive daily inspirations you can subscribe by email to the quotes of Kris by sending an email to KrisQuotes@gmail.com with 'subscribe' in the subject line. An example of a daily quote is posted below. Another great source for daily...

Wishful Thinking

Wishful Thinking

Very often wishful thinking is considered as negative, as an escape from "rock-bed-reality", as an illusion which will never realize and if it does, it is the blind hazard, the exception from the rule. However - this world works on the basis of...

Gymnastik für Begriffe

Gymnastik für Begriffe

Die Bedeutung von Begriffen - Worten -  entspricht dem Verständnis des Sprechenden und dem Verständnis des Aufnehmenden. Wenn dieses Verstehen fehlt, kann man noch so viele Worte gebrauchen, ohne dass man gehört wird. Eines der besten Beispiele...



Demokratische Systeme sind durch Mehrheiten legitimiert. Das ist jedenfalls der Grundgedanke. Umgesetzt werden soll dieses System durch eine "Regierung", die von den meisten gewählten Volksvertretern gebildet wird. Von diesen Volksvertretern wird...

Being a Whole Person

Being a Whole Person

These are some more notes of the Bashar Teleconference of June 21. The CDs of this fantastic session will be available in July at the Bashar Website. Physical mind and expanded mind function as a whole person. Before incarnating each of you made a...

Jedem das Seine

Jedem das Seine

In einem Blogkommentar schrieb vor kurzem jemand: "Popper kritisiert Platon, weil sein idealer Staat bekanntlich “Jedem das Seine” also jedem den ihm aus Stand zukommenden Platz zuweist, was heute verwendet ein Rückschritt hinter die Grundwerte der...



Ich habe natürlich überhaupt nichts gegen die Naturwissenschaften. Im Gegenteil.  Sie sind ein interessanter und effektiver Weg, mehr über die Natur und den Menschen herauszufinden. Alle Naturwissenschaftler, die ich je persönlich getroffen habe,...

Gullible Sceptical Cynical

Gullible Sceptical Cynical

On June 20 and 21 was a teleconference with Bashar and as usual he offered fantastic informations about the actual progress of this shift in consciousness and he offered also some new interesting definitions. Here are some notes of the conference....

Kompromiss vs. Kooperation

Kompromiss vs. Kooperation

Wahrnehmung ist eines der wichtigsten mentalen Werkzeuge, denn mit der Wahrnehmung wird die physische Welt generiert. Sie ist eine Art Projektor, welcher die ganzen physischen Formen projiziert und wie die Formen aussehen, wird bestimmt durch die...



Es ist so weit. Die Bücher werden wieder verbrannt...  Unter dem fadenscheinigen Vorwand der Bekämpfung von Kinderpornographie wird jetzt das Internet zensiert. Damit hat die "Regierung" den Fuß in die Tür gestellt und wird nach und nach alles, was...

Fixing the Attention

Fixing the Attention

So where is the attention placed in the human being? It is not a fixed point. You can say attention is the surface or the edge of awareness. Wherever we are made aware, the attention gets diverted to that point. If you can find some analogy, all...

Guter Geist – Schlechter Geist

Guter Geist – Schlechter Geist

Ich lese immer noch gelegentlich - oder immer wieder - in dem Buch "Opening zu Channel von Sanaya Roman und Duane Packer, das es auch auf deutsch mit dem Titel " Das Praxisbuch des Channelns" gibt. Unter den vielen Themen zu Channelling und wie man...

Banksy vs. Bristol Museum

For the first time Banksy agreed to an exhibition in the Bristol Museum and shows 100 pieces of his works. His view of the actual society - and not only in Great Britain - is very witty and precise. He picks out central themes like war, animal...

Neville Goddard: Feeling is the Secret

Neville Goddard: Feeling is the Secret

Recently, I asked a very successful businessman his formula for success. He laughed and was a little embarrassed. Then he replied, "I guess it's just because I can't conceive of failure. It's nothing that I think about much. It's more a feeling...



Grundsätzlich finde ich die Idee von alternativen Gesellschaftssystemen wie Auroville oder Damanhur, etc. sympathisch. Was mir auf Anhieb nicht gefällt, ist das "WIR-Gefühl", das auch in der sogenannten Demokratie übermäßig eingesetzt wird.  Ein...

Kornkreise 2009

Kornkreise 2009

Die Kornkreissaison geht langsam auf ihren Höhepunkt zu. Seit April gibt es wieder viele Bilder, vor allem natürlich in England. Auf Lucy Pringles Site sind Kornkreise seit 1990 dokumentiert.  Auch die Kornkreisgalerie hat schon ein beachtliches...


An Pfingsten wird in der christlichen Kirche das Kommen des Heiligen Geistes, der oft in Form einer Taube symbolisiert ist,  gefeiert. Die Auswirkungen des Heiligen Geistes werden selbst in der Kirche als wunderbar beschrieben wie z.B. das Reden...


Alle Welt spricht von der Schweinegrippe und dieses Thema hat die bisherige Betroffenheit über die Finanzkrise fast vollkommen überschrieben. Vielleicht ist das auch der Sinn und Zweck dieser Aktion - schnell ein neuer Schock,  denn es wird  immer...



Scientists have recognized for some time that people suffering from depression often experience a substantial reduction in symptoms when given a placebo. In fact, this observation has led some researchersto propose that up to 75 percent of the...

Do NOT Choose Covid

Do NOT Choose Covid

Elias speaks here not specially about Swine Flu but rather about different illnesses, also collective or pandemic illnesses and assesses that they are a choice.... I am understanding that within physical focus, it is quite easily expressed that...

Wie Imagination wirkt

Wie Imagination wirkt

Die Vorstellungskraft ist sicher eines der wirksamsten mentalen Werkzeuge des Menschen und ich habe schon häufig dazu Zitate einiger der intelligentesten Wesen des Universums gebracht. Aber wie wirkt Imagination? Imagination ist gewissermaßen ein...

Angst oder Liebe?

Angst oder Liebe?

P'taahs wichtigste Botschaft P'taah ist eine dieser gechannelten Wesenheiten, welche eine große Hilfe sind, um die aktuellen Veränderungen im Bewusstsein besser verstehen zu können. Ähnlich wie Seth, Elias, Abraham und Andere lehrt auch P'taah ,...

Generating Positive Feelings

Generating Positive Feelings

With a few simple changes of attitude you can install a new positive habitude. By this you are independant of the vibrations of other people and you are not so easily manipulable. This new attitude is the beginning of souvereignty so to speak,...

What is Positive Feeling?

What is Positive Feeling?

Positive Feeling is first of all to own - to integrate - all experiences and all things perceived and to realize that all what happens ist self-generated.  From this point on one is able to choose the experiences and by this focuse intentionally...

Flowing Energy

Abraham describes here what it means to flow energy or being in the flow. Contrary to the beliefs of many people there are no "majorities" or other people required to get what one wants. The only thing one has to do is to ally with the expanded...

Everything Is Conscious

Everything Is Conscious

Science describes the philosophy that everything is alive as Hylozoism and the philosophy that everything is conscious as Panpsychism. One of the main representants of Panpsychism is the German  Theodor Fechner (1801-1887). This is a quote from the...

Children and Meditation

Children and Meditation

The only thing to make man really and authentically cultured is to bring up children in their innocence, and help their bodies to be healthy and their innocence to be meditative. The child can reach his center very easily because he has nothing to...

Path of Least Resistance

Path of Least Resistance

Say Universe... "You know what I want. Give it to me in the path of least resistance. Give it to me in any way I can get it." And then watch how many vortexes open for you where you're standing in the spot where the moon will shine just right where...

Ockhams Rasiermesser

Ockhams Rasiermesser

Kennen Sie Ockham's Razor? Wilhelm von Ockham (1300-1349) war ein Franziskanermönch und Gelehrter im 14. Jahrundert und einer der bedeutendsten Philosophen des späten Mittelalters. Immer am Rande der Häresie stellte er revolutionäre Theorien über...

Ich liebe Tiere!

Ich liebe Tiere!

Vegetarisches Essen bedeutet für mich nicht nur das Kümmern um meine eigene Gesundheit, sondern vor allem das Kümmern um die Gesundheit der Tiere, oder, besser gesagt, um das Leben der Tiere. Es erscheint mir grausam, fühlende Lebewesen zu töten,...


Bildung ist bis jetzt ziel-orientiert: was man darin lernt ist nicht wichtig, wichtig ist die Überprüfung des Gelernten, die ein oder zwei Jahre später kommt. Diese Art von Lernen macht die Zukunft wichtig, wichtiger als die Gegenwart.Es opfert die...

Are You A Seeker?

This is from the site of  Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, called The Mother, who is convinced that the truth cannot be paid with money. I think that her advice is clear and valuable. BTW: Don't miss her interesting movie clips! Everything that is...

7 Core Concepts of Elan

7 Core Concepts of Elan

I am All That Is and I choose to express myself in time and space as an individual called “...your name here”. I am the oceans, I am the forests, I am the deserts, I am the jungles, I am the mountains, I am the sky, I am the Earth. I am the solar...


While driving for a longer time I like to here CDs of channelled wisdom. So recently I listen to Bashar's workshop "Accelerating ET Contact" which ist interesting in many ways. One of the most interesting parts for me are his informations about...


This is an excerpt from The Reconnections channelled by Daniel Jacob. Read the full article here. I think that this is a very good explication about "aliens". On the site is a huge archive with very interesting channellings.There is also a sister...



What the elements, the components of trust are is .....  .    paying attention to what you are doing… …..paying attention to your associations… …..paying attention to your feelings… …..paying attention to what you are thinking… paying attention to...

Creating Your Reality

There are only Four Laws in Creation: You exist. The One is All and the All are One What you put out is what you get back. Change is the only constant... Except for the first three laws, which never change. Law 1 is that You Exist Can’t do much...

Krieg und Frieden

Krieg und Frieden

Gerade jetzt, wo die Problemerzeuger - die Klimakatastrophenpropheten, die Kriegshetzer und Krisenwahrsager wieder sehr aktiv sind, ist es höchste Zeit, die eigene persönliche Macht freizulegen. Die geniale Aussage von Abraham wirft ein Licht, auf...



Buddha, like Jesus Christ, said a lot of Universal truths which do not really show up in the religion itself. What he is saying below for example is not practiced. Even if Buddhism is less intrusive than other religions, priests and monks or Lamas...



Affirmationen sind positive Aussagen, die eine Situation beschreiben und die, wenn sie öfters wiederholt werden, das so-genannte Unterbewusstsein beeindrucken und auf diese Weise positive Handlungen hervorrufen sollen. Ich denke aber, dass das...



In the Abraham-Hicks Workshop Recording 9-23-90 a guest asks about crop circles. Abraham answers the question clearly saying, that they are made by extraterrestrial beings - physical or non-physical and serve as a means of communicaton as well as...

The Secret Behind The Secret

The Secret Behind The Secret

Act on your passion and don't forget, you must also be passionate about being passionate. Never give up when negative thoughts look around. Use your imagination: Create a situation,  an action and a behaviour that takes you back to your passion....



Ich habe in letzter Zeit ein paar Mal Politsendungen à la Maischinger angesehen und bin entsetzt, von was für fantasielosen, jammernden Politiker wir regiert (regiert!) werden. Warum geht kein Aufschrei durch Deutschland ab diesen tristen und fast...

Alles Steht Bereit!

Alles Steht Bereit!

Das ist das Channeling vom 14.04.2009 von Sheldan Nidle, der für die Spirituelle Hierarchie und die Galaktische Föderation spricht... Selamat Jarin! Wir kommen zu euch mit weiteren Dingen, über die wir sprechen wollen. Während eure Welt sich durch...


If cannabis were unknown, and bioprospectors were suddenly to find it in some remote mountain crevice, its discovery would no doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough. Scientists would praise its potential for treating everything from pain to...



Bildung ist die Fähigkeit, sich ein BILD machen zu können - eine Vision, eine klare Vorstellung, eine visualisierte Absicht. Der Begriff Bildung sagt dies eigentlich schon deutlich genug. Dieses "Bild" wird dann die universalen Kräfte anziehen, die...

Balancer of Energy

Balancer of Energy

There are many sites with many, many advices about "what to do" and "how to do" and "shoulds" and "musts" in the Internet, so-called spiritual sites and others more physically oriented with big lists of  "helpful advices"... But it is not so...

The Second Coming

Seth speaks in this session about the second coming of Christ and he says that it will be the "resurrection" of the individual. As Easter approaches it is a good time to speak about redemption and resurrection - a state of beingwhich can only be...

Follow Your Excitement!

Finding your Purpose in Life. Act on it! Excitement is caused by a resonance with your Higher or Expanded Self.  Excitement is a sign that the activity you are contemplatingis aligned with your Expanded Self, and this alignment is what causes the...



Osho war ein Gegner der Emanzipation der Frauen, so wie sie praktiziert wurde und noch wird. Und wenn er von “mehr Weiblichkeit” spricht, so handelt es sich ganz sicher um die Qualitäten, die als weiblich bezeichnet werden, wie z.B. Emotion und...



Das Zeitgeist Movement ist eine dieser Organisationen, die bereit stehen, wenn das jetzige System langsam aber sicher zusammenbricht. Sie haben sich menschenfreundlichere Werte auf die Fahne geschrieben, als das im jetzigen System, in dem es nur um...



Vielleicht sollte ich bei der Quantenphysik beginnen: Die Quantenphysik könnte noch viel tiefer in die Wirklichkeit eindringen, wenn sie nicht auch (wie alle Wissenschaften),  eine geradezu panische Angst vor der subjektiven Wahrnehmung hätte. Es...



Die heilige Kuh Konsens wird immer dann bemüht, wenn irgendwelche Autoritäten ihre Macht sichern wollen. Die Gängelung des Individuums via Konsens führt natürlich, wie bei jeder von außen kommenden Macht, viel öfter zu Missbrauch als zu produktiven...


Mir scheint, dass der Unterschied zwischen Fantasie und Imagination nur in den Assoziationen zu den Begriffen liegt. Beide entspringen einem Wunsch und es ist immer ein Individuum, das diesen Wunsch hat. Fantasie wird im Allgemeinen als Träumerei...

Effective Manifesting

Effective Manifesting

If you feel you are not yet manifesting the supply and abundance you would like, here are some tips: Continually strenghten your connection to your soul and divine Self, which is the source of all your abundance and supply. This is the most...

A Call to Conscious Evolution

A Call to Conscious Evolution

"Climate change, economic disparity, educational inequities, geopolitical tensions -- these mounting concerns are symptoms of a world that is out of balance. Together we can shift consciousness by co-creating a new way of being together. The Call...

The Rubberband Analogy

In his wonderful workshop 'Accelerating ET Contact' Bashar speaks about how to reach higher frequencies enabling contact with his civilization, about parallel worlds, 2012, UFO landing and more. And as his civilization considers the human society...

Animal Rights

Today I received a newsletter from PETA informing me about the annual slaughter of seal babies that has just begun. Right now, seals are being shot or having their skulls crushed on the ice floes.  Most of the young seals who will be skinned during...

Source Events

A Source Event is a movement that is chosen collectively by all of the essences participating in the reality. Source Events are of such a magnitude that none of them are entirely fully inserted into your physical reality, for your physical reality...

Say It Loud…

Say It Loud…

Some of the best phrases you can say to yourself are... What does it feel like being healthy? What does it feel like being rich? What does it feel like being slender? What does it feel like being wise? What does it feel being enthousiastic? What...

What is Channeling?

I have bought "Opening to Channel", the excellent book by Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer, in which they - or rather their channeled beings Orin and DaBen - teach how to connect with the own guide and how to do Conscious Channeling.  In the article...

Peaceful Civil Disobedience

The General Strike is a national call to action, from citizens to other citizens. We all have different concerns, but we all have the same concern: we are being lied to and this government does not represent us.Join other Americans in demanding...

Seth About Drugs

Drugs are actually considered as very "bad" and even grass (Marijuana) is condemned as dangerous. And because of this fear hemp i.e. is so much forbidden, that it is even not really used for all its other great properties. Seth speaks here (in...

Possible Visons

Importance of Holding a Positive Vision for Oneself and for Humanity Wonderful wisdom and guided meditations by Orin, channeled by Sanaya Roman and DaBen, channeled by Duane Packer.I recommand especially the Meditation Room and also the guided...

Global Warming

from The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective Greetings dears.  We are very happy to have the opportunity to speak with you again. “Global Warming” has been discussed for approximately the past 25 to 30 years because you have seen a shift in your...

Dark Forces and the Light

Matthew speaks in this March Message about the importance of collective consciousness - dark forces - altered human DNA - signs of cellular changes - ways to ease adjustment to changes, higher frequencies - sending light to dark souls - directing...

Optical Illusion

Optical Illusions are a good reminder to understand that our view of things is tricky. The image left is a good demonstration for that. Click on the image to enlarge it and then stare at  the point.Usually it takes about 30 seconds for the 2...

Unified Society

Unified Society

There are more and more organisations based on the spirit of  Oneness, like Humanity's Team or the Oneness University and also Global Country and I am not sure if these organisations focus enough on the individual. Often it seems to me that they...

Beyond Enlightenment

Health Is Only a Problem If You’re Sick. A healthy man does not feel continuously that he is healthy, only sick people become interested in health. The moment that you have become healthy...coming out of your sickness, you will feel health but when...

Meeting Castaneda

Meeting Castaneda

An Interview with Carlos Castaneda in 1972 by Sam Keen SAM KEEN: As I followed don Juan through your three books, I suspected, at times, that he was the creation of Carlos Castaneda.  He is almost to good to be true - a wise old Indian whose...

Follow Your Heart

Ben Stewart, philosopher, musician and producer of the movie Esoteric Agenda speaks in Kymatica (83 min.) about the consciousness of human beings - of the consciousness of each cell - and of all consciouness that exists.  In one part of the...

TM – Global Country

Global Country of World Peace, an organization established on October 7, 2000 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program, is dedicated to what he calls preventive, invincible administration for the whole world....

Self Victimization

Actually in the state of the world with all the so-called multiple crisis,  many, many people expect their salvation from politics and similar authorities.  They position themselves into the state of victims feeling themselves powerlessness and...

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the innate potential to feel, use, communicate, recognize, remember, describe, identify, learn from, manage, understand and explain emotions. S.Hein, 2007 This is a new definition as of December 17, 2007. It is based on...

Be Real!

Always remember, no matter what you are doing, observe whether your center is involved in it or not, because if it is not involved it is better not to do a thing. Don't do it! No one is forcing you to do anything. Preserve your energy for the...



How can you accelerate manifestations? By knowing. To "know" opens the heavenly gates so to speaks and lets abundance in. To know, that everything you can imagine is already existing sends out your desire through your aura into the stream of...

Download Heaven

Imagination is the key for the fulfillment of all your desires. What you can imagine is already realized in some area of consciousness and can therefore be downloaded. Imagination is the ability to make your own images - of yourself, of the world,...

Limiting Beliefs

Limiting Beliefs

You don’t need to analyze your so-called limiting beliefs. You don’t need to know all their origins. You’ll drive yourselves crazy trying to sort all that out. Besides, none of it matters. What does matter is how you are feeling in this present...

Trust and Responsability

Very often responsability and blame are mingled and to tell someone that he is responable of his life is understood as a blame. But responsability means simply, being able to respond to the Self.   And trust in oneself is one of the most...

Switch On The Light

Many of you are now feeling and seeing with your inner eyes, your psychic eyes, the light within the cells of your body and brain. The body belonging to the connected one who walks in alignment with the higher path, who allows their DNA to spin in...

Sacred Tones – Solfeggio

Sacred Tones – Solfeggio

The Solfeggio Chakra Scale / Chime is based on the original research of  Dr. Joseph Puleo of sacred manuscripts of an original Solfeggio scale of six tones used in Gregorian sacred music. This chime extends the original tones of-396, 417, 528, 639,...

Financial Crisis

Financial Crisis

An extraterrestrial view on the Financial Crisis from Bashar ... Q: Our financial system is apparently going through a chaotic transformation Bashar: Very exciting transition Q: Yeah very exciting Bashar: As we have said recently, and for many...


Wealth and Abundance There will be a while, while you are changing your beliefs - for example, you will find yourself in a period where you feel quite self deceptive and you are saying ‘I am surrounded by wealth and abundance’,and you still look...

Climate Crisis

There are many parts contained in it which we did not spend much time devoted to. Part will deal with your present situation of your planetary condition and weather. You are struck by the unusualness of your present weather conditions. At the same...

Wishes and Imaginations

You want love? Unconditional love is your true nature You want less stress? The peace of God passes all understanding You want power? The Eternal within you is the source of all Power You want freedom? Truth is freedom from your self-entrapment You...

Money, Money…

Money, Money…

Just listen to how most people talk about money.  They openly tell others how poor they are, and how they never have any money.  They say... "I can't afford it" "We never have enough money" "The bills just keep coming" "When will we ever get...

What’s Luck Got to Do With It?

What’s Luck Got to Do With It?

How Quantum Physics Can Change Your Life Ever wonder how lucky or unlucky you are? Or do you think that whatever success or failure you’ve had had nothing to do with luck at all? Well, if the quantum world has anything to do with it, not a single...

Master Numbers

Master Numbers

I see often so-called masternumbers and always wondered about their meaning.  I found this very interesting explanation by Seth: You may also be triggered at times with other multiple Master Numbers. The Master Numbers are multiple numbers such as...

Winning the Lottery

Winning the Lottery

Many individuals on your planet when they play such games as the lottery, in there mindset, more often than not, the majority of them will be thinking, I hope I pick the wining numbers, I hope I pick the winning numbers, I hope I pick the winning...



The emotions that you feel are always and only about your allowing of your energy stream. It's sort of like plugging the toaster in. If the toaster isn't plugged in, it doesn't make toast. If you are not connected to who you really are, you don't...

You Can Always Get What You Want… Unless

You Can Always Get What You Want… Unless

Chief Joseph: The topic of manifesting comes up so often in our work with John. So here we are discussing it again today. Even though manifesting what you ask for is a simple process, many humans still struggle with it. It does not have to be a...

Permission Slips

Es gibt jede Menge Hokuspokus "da Draußen", wobei Hokuspokus für alle Methoden steht, die rational nicht erklärt werden können und was kann schon rational erklärt werden.  Spätestens beim sogenannten Urknall ist auch für die Wissenschaft Schluss....


Es ist eine der Hauptaufgaben des sich entwickelnden Menschen - eines Philosophen im besten Sinne - Ereignisse, Begriffe... zu definieren, auch neu zu definieren? Die Definition ist ein sehr wirksames Mittel, um "die Zukunft" zu erschaffen, denn...

Aloneness: Your Self-Nature

Aloneness: Your Self-Nature

Aloneness is a flower, a lotus blooming in your heart. Aloneness is positive, aloneness is health. It is the joy of being yourself. It is the joy of having your own space. Meditation means: bliss in being alone. One is really alive when one has...

The Seven Gifts

The Seven Gifts

Dear ones, I wish to do something. I'm going to create seven holiday gifts for you. The difference in these gifts on this holiday season is this: These will be gifts you're going to give to yourself. In all of the giving in all of the cultures, the...

Eine Frage der Wahl

Die Wahl der Glaubenssätze oder Überzeugungen ist nicht leicht, weil das, was man bisher gelernt oder erfahren hat, dem eigentlich Gewünschten widerspricht. Man hält es einfach nicht für möglich, dass das Manifestieren so mühelos geschehen könnte,...



One of the very sophisticated mental-tools,   useful on a daily basis. How many times does one express unjoyful or even fearful thoughts and risk to draw therefore this "dark" energy in one's life. Reconfiguration is the tool to change this...

Right or Wrong?

Right or Wrong?

There is no right and wrong. There are ideas - let us say, to use your terminology, so to speak, that may be less preferable or more preferable. Without judging, you can know what you prefer. You do not have to invalidate something to know that you...

Jante Law

Jante Law

The Jante Law (Danish and Norwegian: Janteloven; Swedish: Jantelagen; Finnish: Janten laki) is the Nordic version of the tall poppy syndrome.It was named and described by the Norwegian/Danish author Aksel Sandemose in his novel A Fugitive Crosses...

Hard Times

A man was selling oranges in the middle of a road. He was illiterate, so he never read newspapers. He put some signs along the road and spent the whole day praising the flavor of his wares. Everyone bought from him and the man thrived. With the...

Hard Times

Hard Times

A man was selling oranges in the middle of a road. He was illiterate, so he never read newspapers. He put some signs along the road and spent the whole day praising the flavor of his wares. Everyone bought from him and the man thrived. With the...

Human-Zeta Hybrids

Human-Zeta Hybrids

This is an excerpt from a Bashar session about Human-Zeta Hybrids, ETs and Contact with Humans and Men in Black. It sounds quite strange and surpasses by far all "conspiracy theories" that might exist on earth. Unfortunately, I only had once...



P'taah speaks about sovereignty, the actual accelerating change in consciousness, about responsibility, trust, judgements, allowance...  This is very, very important knowledge for the Individual as well as for whole Nations which are as sovereign...

Kryon about Animals

Kryon about Animals

In this highly interesting channelling about The Akashic System Kryon, channelled by Lee Carrol speaks about animals and how they offer themselves as food for humanity. But there is this most important question: How do we treat them? Animals I...

Am I Allowing?

Kryon was asked "am I allowing or am I being lazy" and this question is not silly at all. Indeed, sometimes it is difficult to discern what one is doing really deep inside. And there is always the question about the necessity of action "outside"....


Everything is a symbol. Every minute of your physical focus is a symbol to your essence. Your essence is very acquainted and accustomed to viewing all focuses in symbols. You do not view your physical focus in this way, so you think! In reality, it...

17 SEC.

If you can hold a thought, just a simple thought, for 17 seconds, without contradicting it, another thought like it same shape, same size, same vibration, same tone, by law of attraction another thought like it will come to it. And at precisely the...

The Perfect Solution

The Perfect Solution

This is a smart little exercise from Kryon, a kind of emergency kit... Visualize in your mind the perfect solution without knowing what it is. How do you do that?  Here's how... Visualize yourself peaceful, as if it was finally over...not just...

Kooperation statt Gemein-schaft

Der Einzelne schuldet weder dem Staat, der eine Maschine ist, höchste Treue, noch der Gemeinschaft, die nur ein Teil des Lebens und nicht das ganze Leben ist. Seine Lehnspflicht muss der Wahrheit gehören, dem Selbst, dem Geiste, dem Göttlichen in...

The Art Of Allowing

The Art Of Allowing

When you lance your rocket of desire the desired state is immediately created. You don't have to repeat the expression of the desire or murmur endless mantras. You even don't have to imagine it often, unless the imagination pleases you.What you...

Der kreative Mechanismus

Der kreative Mechanismus

Der kreative Mechanismus wird immer in Gang gesetzt, wenn man einen Gedanken (oder eine Vorstellung) erzeugt, die NICHT bewertet werden, weder ob es richtig oder falsch ist, positiv oder negativ gut oder schlecht sondern  sofort mit der Erzeugung...



Es gibt keinen Aberglauben. Es gibt nur Glaubenssätze, die mehr oder weniger erfreulich sind und Glaubenssätze beziehen sich bei weitem nicht nur auf Religion. Alles in dieser Welt ist Glauben, bis auf wenige Wahrheiten wie Du existierst Das Eines...

Be Selfish

Being selfish is considered as a sin, not only by religious institutions but also by the contemporary Zeitgeist. It is expected to show at least a kind of  team spirit or even to sacrify oneself  for others and if you do that to a large extent you...

The Creative Mechanism

The Creative Mechanism

The creative mechanism is activated as you give birth to a thought (or imagination) that does NOT evaluate: The rightness or wrongness the positveness or the negativeness the goodness or badness of any of it... but goes to work immediately in the...

The Inner Senses

These are the Inner Senses, as Seth explained them in his books. They are worth to be explored: Inner vibrational touch Psychological time Perception of past, present, and future Conceptual sense Cognition of knowledgeable essence Innate working...

Kämpfe Nicht – Fühle!

Kämpfe Nicht – Fühle!

Unsere ganze Gesellschaft - und wie mir scheint, weltweit - ist auf das Kämpfen ausgerichtet. "Du musst dich durchkämpfen" - "Ohne Fleiß kein Preis" - Du musst arbeiten, bis dir das Blut aus den Fingern spritzt"  - endlose  Sprüche, auf die schon...

What is War?

Two quotes from Jiddu Krishnamurti, one of the greatest spiritual teachers of the 20th century, which are now more than ever true. The actual wars in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine and in parts of Africa show how necessary the inner...

Krishnamurti über Kriege

Krishnamurti über Kriege

Diese Aussage von Krishnamurti sagt die Wahrheit über die Verantwortlichen für Kriege. Wir sind es selber, jeder Einzelne, der dazu beiträgt. Offensichtlich sind es vor allem die Menschen "im Block", also NATOland, welche diese blutigen und...

Forgiveness Redefined

Forgiveness Redefined

In all religions of the world "forgiveness" plays a great role and is considered as a virtue. Abraham shows how distorted and impeding "forgiveness" is: We have to say to you that forgiveness doesn’t fit in very well with the art of allowing,...


8 Ways To Reassurance STOP  - stop whatever you're doing. RELAX - relax your mind, let go of any beliefs. BREATHE - normal breathing, not deep breaths. OBSERVE - observe your breathing, notice the silence. TRUST - trust the breathing, trust the...

Fluid Management

The Galactic Federation of Light have transmittet via Sheldan Nidle several exercises for Fluid Management, which is basically without hierarchical structures and where every member of a group or society participates fully. 1. Our first exercise is...

Control And Exposing

Some statements by Elias on Control,  Appeciation, Exposure and a new kind of Interaction Guest: I suppose what comes to mind is acceptance of energy. ELIAS:  That is a prerequisite, but beyond the acceptance.  For let me clarify, you may be...

Die Sprache

Die Sprache ist ein weiteres "mentales Werkzeug" in einem physischen Bewusstseinsbereich und natürlich drückt sie das Denken aus. Das Denken selber ist eine Interpretation der direkten Wahrnehmungen, der Erfahrungen jeder Art, und bei Erfahrungen...


Ist es nicht eine der Hauptaufgaben eines philosophisch interessierten Menschen - eines Philosophen - Ereignisse, Begriffe...zu definieren, auch neu zu definieren? Die Definition ist ein sehr wirksames Mittel, um  "die Zukunft" zu erschaffen, denn...

Pandoras Büchse

Pandoras Büchse

Als Pandora neugierig ihre Büchse öffnete schüttete sie damit sämtliches Elend auf die Menschheit aus. Erschrocken schloß sie die Büchse und zurück blieb die Hoffnung. So weit die Mythologie. Ich denke aber, dass auch die Hoffnung entkam, denn sie...

Equality is a Myth

They say that every human being is equal. And of course it satisfies the ego of every human being – nobody objects. It is one of the most dangerous lies to tell human beings. I say to you, equality is a myth. There are not even two human beings who...

Der Lohn des Lebens

Der Lohn des Lebens

Das ist ein Auszug aus dem "Weissen Buch" von Ramtha. Dieses Weisse Buch ist ungeheuer spannend, denn Ramtha spricht über die Schöpfungsgeschichte, warum Gott sich als Mensch verkörpert, über den Tod und das ewige Leben, auch in dem man die...

The Only Authority

The Only Authority

No matter how tempted you are to look to others, you are your own authority. And the answers literally -literally” come from within yourself, and I mean now through your own private experiences that cannot be given to you by another - they must be...

Verändere den Augenblick

Verändere den Augenblick

Wir sagen immer wieder: Lenke deine Aufmerksamkeit von dem, was dir nicht gefällt auf das, was dir gefällt. Auf diese Art und Weise veränderst du den Augenblick. Nicht sofort, aber es wird beginnen, sich zu verändern. Wenn du jeden Morgen in den...

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas

How would the birth of Christ be today? The holy family could not reach Bethlehem because of the wall and so Joseph, beautiful Mary and the childbirth happens on the foot of the wall. (Image Banksy) However, the birth of Jesus Christ happened...

Frohe Weihnachten

Weihnachten ist ein Symbol, wie auch die Sonne bei der Wintersonnenwende, für die Geburt des “neuen” Bewusstseins. Natürlich ist der status quo noch grausig. Der "Block" oder die sogenannte westliche Wertegemeinschaft  ist immer noch im Griff von...

Die Zeichen folgen

Die Zeichen folgen

Viele Menschen denken, dass wenn sie reich wären, wären sie glücklich. Aber es funktioniert anders herum. Wenn man glücklich ist, folgt auch die Erfüllung aller anderen Wünsche - sofern man welche hat. Deshalb schreibt Neville Goddard zu recht,...

Bethlehem heute

Bethlehem heute

Ihr seid alle perfekt und expandierend. Ihr werdet alle geliebt und seid wertvoll. Ihr seid alle hier, um Erfahrungen zu erleben und das Beste zu tun, was ihr tun könnt. Ihr seid hier nicht in einem Test oder Gerichtsverfahren; ihr seid hier als...

Sound Energy

In the recent Global Energy Breakthrough Conference  in Boulder, Colorado, Michael Tellinger shared his theory that sound is one of the most abundant forms of free energy on the planet. He said that sound is the primordial source of all things and...

Watch Inside

Watch inside does not mean to retire into some cave and deny the outside world. It is rather an awareness that all manifestations are created inside - in consciousness, by thinking, imagination and feeling.  Or, in other words... Circumstances...

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